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Neato Robotics Botvac D5 Connected
Neato Robotics

  • 589,91 £ / Cheapest Price on Internet

Brand: Neato Robotics
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(Neato Robotics Botvac D5 Connected)
  • 17 Jun 2020, Wed
Really Impressive and sets a new standard from other robot cleaners
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

This is quite heavy and feels very well made. I am so impressed I now have two of them! The suction is excellent and battery life great - carrying out an hour and a half cleaning with no issues - it has run out when setting new floor map due to the time - but it simply returns to base and carries on when sufficiently charged.Easy to set no go lines which prevent getting tangled in the mass of phone cables under the sofa or getting stuck under the "not quite high enough" sideboard.When you first get this you cannot help but watch it's entire first clean, it is so cleverly programmed around negotiating things and remembering where it has been. It alerts you through the app when it is either stuck (tried swallowing a sock...) or if the debris collector needs emptying. You do have to change the filters regularly so the running costs are about £30 a year if you shop around.You cannot move the charging base for this without needing a new floor map - but you can have two bases whcih it works out from - so one upstair and one downstairs - dont forget to set a no go line at the top of the stairs - although it does detect them it is not infallible to be lost and mine did make an attempt to go over the edge but fortunately just hung like a car on a cliff and sent a help alert to my phone.The downside to this machine is the noise - it is not quiet when on full clean and therefore I can't leave it set overnight as it wakes me - but this is a price worth paying for the suction. I can, after all, tell it to start remotely through the app. The other issue is making sure it always has network coverage so it doesn't get lost - it does use some bandwidth downloading and uploading it maps - which will not afftect 99.9% of people however with often less than 1MB broadband speed we can tell when it is using.....Compared to the old bumper type, early automatic vacuums, this really is the lambourgini of the 21st century and just being able to watch the first time the cat sees it, is worth having one alone!

  • 11 Jun 2020, Thu
Fantastic product
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

This is a great product and makes our life so much easier


  • 12 Jan 2020, Sun
it's absolutely amazing!!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

excellent performance and works more than I was expecting!!!

  • 29 Nov 2019, Fri
It's good, but you might have to adapt to it
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Our first trial with this vacuum was a disaster as we didn't really bother to read the instructions properly and we didn't make it easy for the robot - we kept moving things! It went back into the box. A couple of weeks later, I made a new effort and guess what, it works! We now use it upstairs and the only thing it seems to have any difficulty with is the small rug in the bathroom in front of the shower as we've programmed it to avoid that rug. Link up to Alexa and smart phone has been easy and it does a daily round in all four bedrooms during the day when we are either all out at work/school or doing other stuff at weekends. In order to achieve this, we pretty much have to leave furniture alone and try to avoid leaving things lying around on the floor... which means our teenager now has to keep her room tidy! It easily copes with dust, crumbs, pet hair and all of that miscellaneous grim stuff that teenagers seem to generate. I'm not sure about it being pet friendly though as our dog absolutely hates it.

Darth Spaniel
  • 26 Aug 2019, Mon
My First Neato ...Compared to the Others...
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

An excellent piece of kit that is connectable with Alexa and my phone App.The Good: I love the fact that I can set a boundary line using the included equipment, upload this to the App and save it to the App's memory so I never need to reset that boundary again until I choose to. The boundary equipment does not need to stay laid down which is so handy with a house full of kids and pets.It's so simple for me to ask Alexa to switch the Neato 'on' whilst I'm out - Espicially handy when I get that dreaded call from unexpected guests and I know my house looks like an imploded war zone!There are extra parts included in the pack which make my life simpler should I need to change the filter or do a quick service.The Bad: I wish the dust tank was larger and required less emptying.The brushhead needs constant cleaning, especially with hard floors and pets, the tumbling balls of fluff are a constant source of irritation for the Neato. The iRobot performs a lot better in this department.The Ugly: It definitely isn't as aesthetically pleasing as the iRobot and harnesses less compliments in the 'looks' department. Though it is a good, solid rugged workhorse.I still pull out my bagless Miele and Dyson for a super quick whizz around when I want the place hoovered quickly. The Neato is slower, and, in my opinion, more compatible with pre-setting whilst you or the kids are out/busy in a single room.We do love this "Neat" piece of kit and particularly the App connectivity it offers.I try to leave fair and honest reviews, as I myself, really appreciate a few hearty, genuine review before I decide on my own purchases.Hope this review helps you decide whether this product is for you. If not, I am happy to answer more questions!

Wilde's Cabbage
  • 11 Jul 2019, Thu
Highly Recommended: Cleans as well as an upright but with far less hassle
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

We have been using the Neato D6 for around 3 weeks now and have been very impressed.The D6 is neatly packaged and is very easy to set up - you simply remove the main unit and dock from the box, plug in the dock and then push the D6 onto it for the initial charge. While that is going on, you download the app (both App Store and Google Play versions available) and follow the instructions to pair and connect to your WiFi network. All in, we were set up within 5 minutes and just left it to charge up.For the first run, the D6 will map your home so it is advisable to ensure the floor is clear anywhere you may want the D6 to clean in the future. The D6 senses its environment using a combination of laser navigation and bump sensors at the front and side, and these worked very well. For us, with a bungalow of around 86 square meters, this process took an hour and a half, which the D6 managed without having to recharge, which is quite impressive.After the initial mapping, you can set some no go areas on the generated map (by drawing lines with your finger); we found that this was useful to stop it going under the desk where there are lots of cables. From that point onward cleaning is as simple as pressing the go button and leaving the unit to run, there is also a pause button and you can send the D6 back to dock if you want to.Pros* Easy to set up.* Cleans as well as an upright.* Choice of Turbo (full power, maximum pick up) or Eco mode (Takes a bit longer but much quieter - easy to have a phone conversation whilst it was on).* Extra Care mode available for navigation - seems to rely more on the laser guidance and less on the bump sensor - a bit slower but as it states gentler.* Spot cleaning mode that can be used to clean a specific bit of the house.* Good battery capacity - after cleaning a four bedroom bungalow of 86 sq meters it still had 35% charge left after (1 hour 34 minutes of cleaning).* Box generously includes a spare rotor brush and two extra filters (further replacements available online).* Comes with a neat c

Aylott Family
  • 11 Jul 2019, Thu
Highly Recommended: Cleans as well as an upright but with far less hassle
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

We have been using the Neato D6 for around 3 weeks now and have been very impressed.The D6 is neatly packaged and is very easy to set up - you simply remove the main unit and dock from the box, plug in the dock and then push the D6 onto it for the initial charge. While that is going on, you download the app (both App Store and Google Play versions available) and follow the instructions to pair and connect to your WiFi network. All in, we were set up within 5 minutes and just left it to charge up.For the first run, the D6 will map your home so it is advisable to ensure the floor is clear anywhere you may want the D6 to clean in the future. The D6 senses its environment using a combination of laser navigation and bump sensors at the front and side, and these worked very well. For us, with a bungalow of around 86 square meters, this process took an hour and a half, which the D6 managed without having to recharge, which is quite impressive.After the initial mapping, you can set some no go areas on the generated map (by drawing lines with your finger); we found that this was useful to stop it going under the desk where there are lots of cables. From that point onward cleaning is as simple as pressing the go button and leaving the unit to run, there is also a pause button and you can send the D6 back to dock if you want to.Pros* Easy to set up.* Cleans as well as an upright.* Choice of Turbo (full power, maximum pick up) or Eco mode (Takes a bit longer but much quieter - easy to have a phone conversation whilst it was on).* Extra Care mode available for navigation - seems to rely more on the laser guidance and less on the bump sensor - a bit slower but as it states gentler.* Spot cleaning mode that can be used to clean a specific bit of the house.* Good battery capacity - after cleaning a four bedroom bungalow of 86 sq meters it still had 35% charge left after (1 hour 34 minutes of cleaning).* Box generously includes a spare rotor brush and two extra filters (further replacements available online).* Comes with a neat c

Aylott Family
  • 09 Jun 2019, Sun
A great addition to any home!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

This robotic vacuum cleaner from Neato is fantastic - I can’t rate it highly enough! Really easy to operate via the smartphone app, the robot offers a really thorough clean and can be set to run automatically at certain times of the day (so you can just leave it to it!)We have a Labrador that sheds a lot of hair and have been really impressed with the efficiency with which the robot picks up the hair. We’ve also used it on a range of surfaces and it has cleaned all of them to a high standard.One thing to be aware of is that the robot can sometimes get stuck when negotiating corners, and has on occasion picked up a charging cable and tried to take it with it! However, the app will handily notify you if the robot has got stuck and when cleaning is finished, so you can take action accordingly.The battery life is also good - although it doesn’t last a significant amount of time, it is sufficient to thoroughly clean the whole of the upstairs of our house and will automatically re-dock at the charging station when cleaning is complete - so it is always ready to go for the next clean. I also like the fact you can name your robot in the app so it truly becomes part of the family! I often find myself saying hello to it as it glides past...A fantastic product that has made keeping my house clean a whole lot easier!

C. Yardley
  • 09 Jun 2019, Sun
A great addition to any home!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

This robotic vacuum cleaner from Neato is fantastic - I can’t rate it highly enough! Really easy to operate via the smartphone app, the robot offers a really thorough clean and can be set to run automatically at certain times of the day (so you can just leave it to it!)We have a Labrador that sheds a lot of hair and have been really impressed with the efficiency with which the robot picks up the hair. We’ve also used it on a range of surfaces and it has cleaned all of them to a high standard.One thing to be aware of is that the robot can sometimes get stuck when negotiating corners, and has on occasion picked up a charging cable and tried to take it with it! However, the app will handily notify you if the robot has got stuck and when cleaning is finished, so you can take action accordingly.The battery life is also good - although it doesn’t last a significant amount of time, it is sufficient to thoroughly clean the whole of the upstairs of our house and will automatically re-dock at the charging station when cleaning is complete - so it is always ready to go for the next clean. I also like the fact you can name your robot in the app so it truly becomes part of the family! I often find myself saying hello to it as it glides past...A fantastic product that has made keeping my house clean a whole lot easier!

C. Yardley
  • 22 May 2019, Wed
A Bit Like A Dalek
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

The idea of being able to press a button and get your house cleaned is a dream, but as a family we can afford a phone, but not a cleaner that you could call with it. Another option would be a robot vacuum cleaner; although expensive at first it should last many cleans making it worthwhile? The 'Neato Robotics D650' is a very clever piece of kit. It looks a little like a robot you would see zipping around the floor on a Star Destroyer. If you look closer you see a little spinner at the side and a roller that helps suck in the dirt, it is essentially a mini road sweeper for the home.Setting up the device is easy enough and it connects to the App on the phone with ease. You can use this to launch a clean and see what areas have been done by the supplied heat map. The cleaner itself is also pretty bright; it must have many sensors around the base as it bumps into an object and works out another direction to go. It manages to clean our kitchen well despite the various bits of furniture that get in the way. When the cycle of cleaning is done it will head back to the charger you have and reverse itself in. I also like the way it squeals a little in protest should you pick it up!I am very impressed with the intelligence of 'Neato', but it is still a little limited. It is best used on a home with hard flooring or thin carpet. It is prone to snagging on tassels and wires etc. so you may need to do a quick whip around the house to make sure there is nothing in the way. Also, stairs. Like a Dalek it cannot do stairs so you will need to at least keep an old Dust Buster around to do that yourself.Do you need a robot butler in your home? Not really, but if you can afford one, 'Neato' is a great option. It does pick up a lot of dirt and is intelligent enough to tell you when it is stuck or full. We set it off in the other room when we are tidying elsewhere, it has saved us housework time. Our house is a little pokey in places, but the 'Neato' manages to get into most of the nooks and crannies. It is a little limited, but we love

Sam Tyler
  • 12 May 2019, Sun
Pretty neat!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

The vac is easy to set up. You download the Neato app, connect it to your wifi and sync it to the vacuum. You then place the vac on the charging station, and it’s ready to use within an hour or so.It connects well with Alexa in a few easy steps and responds to voice command quickly.The initial clean works well to establish a floor plan, however establishing no-go lines on the app is tricky when using an iPhone. No-go lines can be used only when using the app, not during a scheduled clean or when you instruct Alexa.It goes easily between different floor types, e.g. laminate floor over threshold onto carpet. It works exactly as intended on clear floors, though it can sometimes have difficulty with furniture or obstacles. You need to pre-check your floors for bits and bobs/curtains etc, but it is very clever at getting itself out of situations, e.g. over wooden bases of chairs. It seems to work especially well on non-carpeted floors.The first clean is automatically on turbo mode, which is very noisy, and even the eco mode is also quite noisy, which tempts you to schedule use for when you’re out of the house. (You can either schedule a vacuum for a preset time or do an ad hoc request.) Scheduling on the phone is easily set up and works well.The app notifies you when the clean has been completed and when you need to empty the vac.For a smallish house (living room, kitchen and small hallway equals 23m2) it works well – does a clean in 28 minutes. The website describes the following issue: while the vac can store multiple floor plans, you need to have an additional docking charging station for each floor plan. Allegedly, if you move the charging station to each floor and redid the set up each time then you could do your whole house, but I haven’t investigated this.It cleans, but not a deep clean so you would still need to go over it more thoroughly with a conventional vacuum every once in a while. For daily cleaning it works well, however it doesn’t quite go into all the awkward corners.Overall, quite impressive, and mu

Bob Sherunkle
  • 03 May 2019, Fri
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

This is an excellent robot vacuum, it works so much better than my old one. The Neato comes with some spare filters and a strip of magnetic tape (not sure what that's for, I guess for marking off a boundary?) Everything is controlled by the app, and after pairing the Neato can get to work straight away and map your house while it cleans. It's so clever! You get a floor plan sent to your phone, and you can draw lines where you don't want the Neato to go next time.Compared to my old (dumb) robot cleaner the Neato works much better, not just because of the clever floor plan. The Neato has a bigger bin, so you don't need to empty it as often (although they recommend you empty it every time). Also, the bigger wheels mean that the Neato can access the downstairs bathroom which is on a slightly raised level, and it also means the Neato can clamber over the rails on the floor from my clothes airer. The Neato can also handle carpet too (unlike my old one!) and you can actually see the neat lines made by the Neato.I really love this little cleaner, it is great. You can tell it to start cleaning when you're at the gym so that it has got the floor all cleaned for when you come back. And it's brilliant at finding its base and charging itself, or maybe it was just my old cleaner that was rubbish at that? Excellent and would definitely recommend.

  • 01 May 2019, Wed
Early testing good
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Testing this Neato Robotics D650 Exclusive Pet Edition as a free product from the Amazon Vine program.In the ever growing popularity of Robo Vacuums, this D650 (virtually same as model D6) is a smart phone app and Alexa compatible controlled appliance.I would classify this definitely at the high end with a walloping price tag over £500In comparison with iRobot Roomba and other models, the Neato scores well in independent tests and is correctly ranked in the top ten best robovacs.Neato robot vacuum uses its laser mapping technology to scan the room, intelligently map out the best cleaning path, and vacuum in a nice back and forth pattern until the room is complete, unlike other models that tend to bump around changing direction constantly.Neato botvacs are also D-shaped which has the advantage of being able to get right into those corners, nooks and crannies (within 10mm of walls).The Neato app is required for scheduling – so this is not suited to those without a smartphone or tabletLithium Ion Battery and claimed 120 minute run time (or approximately 2 cleaning cycles, plus a larger waste receptacle and bigger cleaning brush makes this a very good option over other brands)BLACK CARPET OWNERS BEWARE!As smart as this botvac is, there is one thing that it still can’t handle - black surfaces! Whether its carpet or hard floors, if they are black, bots will not clean them - this is due to their cliff sensors thinking the black surface is thin air! Even the top end latest models from manufacturers have not solved this problem yet.


  • 01 May 2019, Wed
This Little Guy's not perfect.... but who is?
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Wow a Robot Vacuum Cleaner! Really easy to setup - plug in the charging base and let 'him charge up - download the App to your Phone or Tablet, follow the instructions and, once paired, set the Little Guy off on his 'special' first cleaning run to create a Floor Map - taking the precaution of picking up or tucking away any items that may get entangled: cables,socks,wool or the fringe on a rug - in our case it was multiple Cat Toys. We have 5 House Cats who are just beginning to moult so as this Vacuum claims to be good at picking up pet hair it looked promising. It did the first 'mapping run' but failed to include our living room (it's base was in the dinning room) then it returned to base. I was impressed by it cleaning under all the things it could get under - places we wouldn't normally bother with on a routine clean. As other reviewers have said it can't cope with every corner or even every piece furniture (it got stuck on the feet of a guitar stand; which it may have extricated itself from but I rescued it after a minute or so) but it copes surprisingly with different levels of floor (there's a straight drop of 1 inch/2.5 cm from our hall to the living room) Next day I tried a 'spot clean' (7 ft by 7 ft ) then a 'full' clean starting from base - this time it found/included the living room although I had not repeated the initial 'Floor Mapping' exercise? The online User Guide does say however that 'shiny surfaces and black floors might cause navigation problems' - Our hall and kitchen floor is all black stone tiles so it's pretty impressive that on day two the Little Guy found the living room,hall and kitchen then returned to base in the dinning room (which was cleaned first) I had it set on the more powerful 'Turbo' setting which means he makes more noise and uses up the charge faster but the whole ground floor was done without a recharge - the only thing to remember is to empty the 'dirt bin' (which is quite small) and clean the dust filter after each run. A negative is that it misses parts of the floor we

  • 29 Apr 2019, Mon
Easy to use cleans well
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

This robot vacuum cleaner arrived well packed with excellent instructions. Connected to WiFi quickly Alexa took a couple of goes but we got there. Set up is fast.Vacuum then sets off on own to clean room. The sucking power is much more than I had expected. Battery life excellent too.Left to clean room returned and the cleaner had even re docked itself.Very pleased what a useful product this is!

Book Reader
  • 11 Oct 2018, Thu
Great for a daily clean of the main areas but not perfect
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I have found that this vacuum is great for covering the main areas of the room however despite claims its D-shape means it gets in corners it doesn't. When encountering a corner the botvac bumps into it and adjusts to run along the new wall however it doesn't do so with fine enough adjustments to get right in to the corner and will then follow the new wall with a small space left. This means that occasionaly a regular hoover needs to be used to get in to the corners.I have also found that the botvac can't navigate tight spots so it wont get under your dining table unless the chairs are lifted up over it.I have 3 cats and the botvac deals well with the hairs. Using an app you can set up no go lines on the floor plan the botvac creates with its clean. However there is a pretty big caveat to this in that it can only let you set these lines up IF the botvac is able to return to base as part of the clean. If you pick it up and put it in another room or another level of the house to clean then although it will give you a map of where it cleaned it wont let you add no go lines to this map. The only solution to this is to take the whole unit base and all to the different areas of the house that cant be reached in one clean which starts to make it more effort than using a regular hoover. This is certainly a big area for possible improvement.Emptying the bin is simple and it just lifts out of the top of the botvac though it is a small bin that will need emptying regularlyOverall this is a great vacuum but it wont replace your current one fully and isn't completely fire and forget.

Amazon Customer
  • 11 Oct 2018, Thu
Great for a daily clean of the main areas but not perfect
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I have found that this vacuum is great for covering the main areas of the room however despite claims its D-shape means it gets in corners it doesn't. When encountering a corner the botvac bumps into it and adjusts to run along the new wall however it doesn't do so with fine enough adjustments to get right in to the corner and will then follow the new wall with a small space left. This means that occasionaly a regular hoover needs to be used to get in to the corners.

I have also found that the botvac can't navigate tight spots so it wont get under your dining table unless the chairs are lifted up over it.

I have 3 cats and the botvac deals well with the hairs. Using an app you can set up no go lines on the floor plan the botvac creates with its clean. However there is a pretty big caveat to this in that it can only let you set these lines up IF the botvac is able to return to base as part of the clean. If you pick it up and put it in another room or another level of the house to clean then although it will give you a map of where it cleaned it wont let you add no go lines to this map. The only solution to this is to take the whole unit base and all to the different areas of the house that cant be reached in one clean which starts to make it more effort than using a regular hoover. This is certainly a big area for possible improvement.

Emptying the bin is simple and it just lifts out of the top of the botvac though it is a small bin that will need emptying regularly

Overall this is a great vacuum but it wont replace your current one fully and isn't completely fire and forget.

Amazon Customer
  • 25 Sep 2018, Tue
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

We are absolutely in love with this. It may be that I am not the most technologically savvy person on the planet but I am blown away by how effective the Neato Botvac is. Before we got into the more advanced stage of having it actually map the house, we put it on to a general clean mode just to test it out and it surpassed my expectations by a long shot. I was worried that it wouldn't have the suction power to do more than a superficial job but it actually left the floors (carpet, rugs and hardwood) looking better than they do when I go over them with our traditional vacuum cleaner. I was stunned at just how much it had collected after it's first run through the house. We have a Jack Russell and a cat and they both leave behind a lot of hair. I didn't think the Botvac would be able to handle it all but it did an admirable job, as was evidenced when I emptied it for the first time. Emptying it, by the way, is an absolute breeze. Just take hold of the handle, pull it from its housing, dump out the receptacle and put it back. Couldn't be easier. I was reluctant to attempt the mapping process as I was sure it would be a nightmare but my wife took the reigns and had it mapping the house in no time. The mapping itself is incredible - it emails you a report of exactly where in the house it has gone and is remarkably thorough! It gets into all kinds of little spaces that we generally overlook and has yet to get stuck (it nearly did once and spent a little while doing a 50 point turn to get out from under a chair, but it managed it in the end!) It is worth being aware that it needs to be emptied after every use as the capacity isn't gigantic (though it is more than enough for a day's hoovering). Also, you need to clear the floor of anything that might get in the way like shoes, footstool....basically anything you would move before hoovering int he traditional manner. Most importantly, you will want ot remove anything wet and smearable. Our cat left us an unwanted gift next to his litter box. The Botvac ran over it and

  • 23 Sep 2018, Sun
a hoover with a brain....
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Neato Robotics Botvac D602 Connected - Compatible with Alexa - robot vacuum cleaner with charging station is a hoover which has a brain of its own. I found the actual connecting of the Neato to my browser a simple process and it did take an hour to fully connect the Neoto but once this process was completed it will not have to be repeated. I then progressed by using the App which I downloaded to my Android phone, the hoover was easily activated by a simple press of the app. The hoover progressed around the ground floor on its own, while doing this it draws a map of your floor plan. I would recommend you close the doors you do not want the Neato to enter, and learn from me lift the dog's water bowl, yes, I forgot, and you can guess what happened. Make sure also you lift items such as socks, toys etc. It is also recommended to empty the hoovered debris from the hoover and clean the brushes after each use. This will help prevent blockages plus the fact the dust holder is not large and if like me you are an animal owner/lover my dog’s hair does easily gather around the brushes as well as fill the dust holder.I do like the fact included with other items is a boundary marker included with your Neoto as well as spare filter etc. This is useful if there is an area of your home where you do not want the hoover entering, I would recommend you lay this especially prior to first using the Neoto. When you use the Neoto for the first time it will save a floor plan to the app on your phone, you have the option to save this floor pan which the Neoto will stick too, therefore you will not have to keep the boundary marker in your chosen area each time you use your cleaner, it will simply allow you to save the route you want the hoover to follow according to the saved floor plan.I do like this Neoto Robot as it cleans the floor easily and quite quickly if it feels any obstruction which includes the dog bed which is soft it will immediately reverse and follow around the edge which I do find handy. It cleans the floor well a

Petra ????????????????????
  • 23 Sep 2018, Sun
a hoover with a brain....
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Neato Robotics Botvac D602 Connected - Compatible with Alexa - robot vacuum cleaner with charging station is a hoover which has a brain of its own. I found the actual connecting of the Neato to my browser a simple process and it did take an hour to fully connect the Neoto but once this process was completed it will not have to be repeated.
I then progressed by using the App which I downloaded to my Android phone, the hoover was easily activated by a simple press of the app. The hoover progressed around the ground floor on its own, while doing this it draws a map of your floor plan. I would recommend you close the doors you do not want the Neato to enter, and learn from me lift the dog's water bowl, yes, I forgot, and you can guess what happened. Make sure also you lift items such as socks, toys etc. It is also recommended to empty the hoovered debris from the hoover and clean the brushes after each use. This will help prevent blockages plus the fact the dust holder is not large and if like me you are an animal owner/lover my dog’s hair does easily gather around the brushes as well as fill the dust holder.
I do like the fact included with other items is a boundary marker included with your Neoto as well as spare filter etc. This is useful if there is an area of your home where you do not want the hoover entering, I would recommend you lay this especially prior to first using the Neoto. When you use the Neoto for the first time it will save a floor plan to the app on your phone, you have the option to save this floor pan which the Neoto will stick too, therefore you will not have to keep the boundary marker in your chosen area each time you use your cleaner, it will simply allow you to save the route you want the hoover to follow according to the saved floor plan.
I do like this Neoto Robot as it cleans the floor easily and quite quickly if it feels any obstruction which includes the dog bed which is soft it will immediately reverse and follow around the edge which I do find handy. It cleans the

Petra ????????????????????
Style Name:D650 Pet Edition

Product Description

Goodbye pet hair and allergens. Hello clean. We love our pets. But they shed, carry allergens in their fur, and track in dirt and debris from outside. The Neato Botvac D6 Connected is here to help. With a new core brush that’s up to 70% bigger than those round robots1, it picks up way more pet hair than before. 2 Using an ultra performance filter, it captures allergens and dust too tiny to see. And like all Neato robots it uses LaserSmart technology to scan, map and navigate your entire house, leaving nothing but clean lines behind. So let pets be pets. With the Neato Botvac D6, there’s no mess too big. Or too small

Brand Neato Robotics
Item Weight7.72 Kg
Package Dimensions58 x 41 x 15 cm
Special Featurescharging_station