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Eufy RoboVac 11S

  • 189,99 £ / Cheapest Price on Internet

Brand: Eufy
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(Eufy RoboVac 11S)
  • 19 Jan 2020, Sun
Dangerous, fall down stairs and off balconies.
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I bought two of these and they worked great until I moved house where they both decided at different times to throw themselves down the stairs and off a landing area to the floor below. As you can see from the photo I placed a towel on the next stair so that the eufy could sense the depth but it madeno diference.Thankfully neither of my kids were below at the time. I contacted the company but they said they wouldn't replace it as they were over a year old. They did give me half the cost of one back. My opinion is that they are not safe for purpose, it put myself and my family in danger and they did exactly what the company advertises that they won't do .i.e fall down stairs. Both my eufys 11 and 11s have died due to hitting the floor at great speeds. Before this happened I loved them and would still love a replacement for downstairs but definitely not upstairs. I don't trust them and wouldn't recommend them to families with children if they are to be used upstairs. Very disappointed with the company.

  • 03 Jan 2020, Fri
Takes a long time and no coverage at the corners
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I bought the ufy BoostIQ RoboVac 11S , it arrived in time. The instructions were clear and it was easy to install, I was able to set it up in less than 10 minutes.However I have following concerns, which made me return this very next day -1. takes an hour to clean my dining room which has wooden floor. I I use the vaccum manually, i can do it in less than 5 minutes.2. The corners are not cevered, the dirt gets blown away to the corners and stays there.3. The human hair gets stuck in the rolling brush at the bottom, which I find very difficult to clean.4. I have a rug in my family room, and its rotating brushing gets stuck under this rug, it struggles or sometimes can't get over my rug.5. It also gets tangeled in any wires or phone charging cables touching floor. It is difficult to leave this un attended.Overall I would prefer to clean myself with hand and this seems to be fun toy for kids, as a replacement to their remote controlled car.


  • 28 Nov 2019, Thu
I'm Sold!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Early days but already I am more than impressed with robovac. I did look at a lot of these and noticed 30c was on a Black Friday deal. Reading through the comments one person said they preferred the 11c because it had the remote rather than an App. I would agree, have enough App's on my phone, didn't want any more.Anyway, I unpacked the little beauty and inspected it and the quick start instructions. After setting it up I waited whilst it charged up fully.My wife and our bemused Bichon Frise watched as this new gadget did its thing around our kitchen. It then went out into the hallway and then the porch, before I returned it to its docking station I turned it off and inspected the dust tray, not expecting to see much as I had done it the day before with a Hetty. Well did we get a shock! The muck that was in there, you would have thought it hadn't been done for a week. Amazed! After cleaning the filter and dust box I coaxed it back to its docking station.First impressions are good. Would I recommend it? Yes!Follow the instructions and you can't go wrong.Point to note. I also took out a 2yr warranty, through Amazon. Just for peace of mind.

Paul Hickman
  • 25 Nov 2019, Mon
Far more impressive than I expected
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I'm not sure whether to call it Bob (after the skutter on Red Dwarf) or Sweepy McSweepface. Judging by what it tries to do to the base of my floor lamp, I'm pretty sure we have a boy robot rather than a girl one. So it's probably Bob.Having never seen a robot vacuum cleaner in real life before, it's quite a bit larger than I was expecting. It took a little planning to figure out where it could 'live' when on charge, without cluttering up the room and being exposed to damage. That's something I hadn't considered when I ordered it.I got off to a bad start, with the unit refusing to work. I thought maybe it needed a full charge (which is what the troubleshooting instructions say) but even being allowed to charge until the steady blue light came on, it wouldn't operate. Instead, the light went to flashing orange, to indicate low battery, and the unit shut off. Further reading of the troubleshooting section told me to turn the main power switch off and on. I tried that, and it's been fine ever since.It's a random cleaning pattern, but one with some thought put into covering the full area, including edges. I'm amazed at just how much dust and hair it pulls out of carpets that I've been using a 12 month old Shark vacuum cleaner to clean previously. While less powerful, I suppose the Eufy spends an hour cleaning a room that I'd spend 5 or 10 minutes on with the upright. The only annoyance is that hair (long human head hair, not pet hair) tends to wrap around the brush, rather than find its way into the collection box. The first time I ran it, I had to cut hair from the main brush 3 times. But it seems to have got all it's going to get out of the carpet, now.It runs for about an hour, left loose to do the whole ground floor of my house apart from the kitchen and conservatory. It's about 50/50 carpet and laminate. It struggles a bit with the living room rug, sometimes managing to climb onto it, but other times treating it as an edge and turning away. It also gets stuck on the ledge leading up to the patio door in the dinin

Nicole Thornber
  • 25 Nov 2019, Mon
Broken after 13 months, no warranty support. ‘Buy a new one” they said..
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I can’t recommend this product. After 13 months of using it once per day the right hand brush motor has stopped working and refuses to spin. I have replaced the brush, followed the support advice but it’s definitely broken. Anker refused to repair it, they suggested I buy a brand new model and offered a paltry 15% discount.Good product when it worked, poor after service - ‘throw it away after 13 months and buy a new one”. No thanks Anker

Nick Morrissey
  • 14 Aug 2019, Wed
UPDATED REVIEW - much happier customer
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Loved this product when I first bought it - bought last September ahead of moving and starting a new job and having a baby arrive - and was brilliant UNTIL around two months ago.Suddenly stopped working - repeated 3 red beeps for no reason (it was cleaned several times). My parents bought one from the same seller after I raved about it and there also stopped working. Seems to be a design flaw which is very costly to the customer.I have contacted the seller several weeks ago and heard nothing. I was hoping for advice on fixing or some compensation as it is under a year old and for the last two months has been out of action. Honestly look at other models over this one as I think this happens a fair bit from having read a few reviews.UPDATED - I HAVE RECEIVED A REPLACEMENTSince writing this review the seller and I have exchanged emails in which it was established that communication had broken down due to an amazon data error. Through email I was asked to clean the model and then video it to establish how the model was failing. My word and video were not doubted and I received very swiftly, once the conversation had begun, a new model. So far, (albeit early days) so good. I am very happy to say this seller has stuck by the warranty promise and so feel more confident in recommending others to buy this product.

Claire A.
  • 11 Aug 2019, Sun
Exceeded all our expectations
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

This vacuum has made such a difference to the general dust levels in our house, I was very impressed by how much it continues to pick up. We are currently putting it on each night on a timer after our small children have gone upstairs to bed. Vacuuming is the hardest job to get done with kids around so being able to clear everything from the floor and then leave it to work has been brilliant.It’s consistently picking up a box full of dust even after a normal clean with our regular vacuum. Works well on our carpets and tiled floors.

Miss C Grail
  • 21 Jun 2019, Fri
Time Saver!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

There are two types of people in this world, those who enjoy vacuuming and those that do not. If your in the latter camp then this is most definitely for you!Finding myself vacuuming a white floor tiled kitchen twice a day, i decided to give an automated vacuum a go. I will admit that my thinking before the purchase was that of "its just another one of those useless bits of expensive tech" and "who in their right mind would buy a robot vac" with a hint of “This is how Skynet starts” but seriously it has given me back hours of my life, even provides some light entertainment watching it trying to mount a speaker stand, but most importantly keeps all the floors very clean!I'll start by looking at the downsides.1.If you have furniture such as a table with chairs surrounding it, it will struggle not only because of its size but because its roaming logic is archaic (i mean that in the kindest possible sense).2. The logic it uses is very simple, go forward until it detects a wall or bumps into something then turn left, try going forward, rinse and repeat. This means that what portion of the floor gets vacuumed is almost potluck based on its trajectory from bumping and turning, given enough time however it will almost certainly reach a good 80% of the floor. It also means that it can get "stuck" if it finds itself surrounded by objects and it cannot find a way out. Entertaining but frustrating to watch. My advice, clear all objects from the floor, move chairs from a table and put them on top or out of the way. Generally, the “squarer” the vacuuming space is, the easier time it will have. if you have lots of clutter on the floor not necessarily just small items (that you should be moving anyway), odd shaped spaces, or lots of furniture etc then it may struggle to get between.3. Basic remote/ timing. Not a biggy but you can only set one time for it to clean a day, two or more would be better.4. Struggles to go home. I realised quickly that the dock sends out an infrared? signal that requires almost line of sight for the b

Andy B
  • 08 Jun 2019, Sat
Never had such clean floors!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Like most other reviewers we love this little gadget. Smaller, neater, quieter than expected and oh! so efficient! And again, like many other reviewers, we have given it (him) a name - Watson. We have a large open plan kitchen/dining/family room with an engineered oak floor and a small rug with about 1” deep pile - Watson trundles around and keeps it all looking clean, then goes into the sitting room and hoovers the carpet in there too. He negotiates his way around a forest of chair legs under the table, cleans right up to the edges and rarely misses a thing. He is very fond of the rug and spends quite a bit of time there. Occasionally I move him into our bedroom which has a new carpet; this is quite a challenge as it is still shedding fluff and he gets rather bunged up. He does sometimes get stuck, usually on cables if we’ve forgotten to move them. He recently managed to knock several balls of yarn onto the floor and proceeded to hoover them up, then set off back into the kitchen but found himself tethered to an armchair. I expected an impossible tangle and a long session with scissors but no, it all unravelled in minutes with no apparent damage to either Watson or the yarn. He then carried on with his job until it was time to go home. The homecoming is lovely to see: you can almost hear the sigh of relief as he backs on to his charging station and settles down. In fact a few tiny sound effects would be great. A bit of tutting, maybe, or a small cry for help when he’s stuck somewhere.Cleaning is easy and the brushes straighten out in hot water if they’ve got a bit bent. The paper filter takes a while to dry, best done on a radiator. He does get extraordinarily dusty on top.I’d love to give him a face and maybe a pair of antennae but think that might interfere with his sensors or whatever. Would look cute, though.We don’t have any pets at the moment but we have been doing a lot of renovating and the dust levels are high. I am seriously considering getting a second one for the bedrooms, it’s a joy to have such pr

  • 24 Apr 2019, Wed
Do you have pets? Worth every penny
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I have two indoor cats, one of whom is constantly shedding hair. As a result my carpets are often caked in hair and there's often bits of litter scattered about. I used to pay £40+ a month for a cleaner, basically just to hoover up this hair.So this is one of the best purchases I've made. Cancelled the cleaner. The robot vacuum does the job. It's fascinating to watch actually (the cats agree). It's got some pretty impressive mapping algorithms in there. Doesn't fall down my stairs. Returns to the charge point with ease. Finds its way between chair legs etc. I have a pretty thick rug that it struggles to get up sometimes, but it finds a way. It's very thorough and picks up almost all the hair lying about. If you have a shedding pet like I do, this little beauty will save you hours of work. Just make sure any toys are tidied away before you start it off!It's very quiet. Sometimes I will go check on it to make sure it's still running (i.e. not gotten itself stuck on some cats' string) because I can't hear it. Suction is very good, not as strong as a proper vacuum but that's to be expected. It makes up for it by being thorough and covers the same points multiple times. It has a remote and a scheduler (you can set it to clean every day while you're away at work, for example). I've never used these though (the cat toys need to be tidied away before I start it) so couldn't tell you how well they work.

  • 17 Apr 2019, Wed
Most of it has already been said
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I echo completely all the plaudits for this fantastic machine. We have tiled, wooden, and carpeted floors in a largish house and Eufy does a floor at a time with no bother. 'He' does have his quirks and his moments of seeming to get stuck and whirl around in ever decreasing circles in tight spaces, and between chair legs, but he comes out of it eventually and does a thorough job very well.It really is the best machine I have purchased for us in a very long time and, like many others, I wish I had bought it a lot earlier, because this little guy certainly takes over most of the hoovering and brings up carpets and hard floors every time. We especially appreciate the 'edges' programme where Eufy starts in one spot and follows the whole floor round in every room cleaning the edges until he comes back to where he has started in 20 minutes or so. Currently, the machine is an absolute boon to us in keeping the house looking presentable for prospective buyers.One thing that I have not read about in any of the other Eufy 11s reviews is that sometimes very strong sunlight streaming through the windows onto the light carpet can make Eufy stop in his tracks and retreat. Even when I try to encourage him to follow through the sunlight using the remote control to steer him, he still refuses to budge. The sun is confusing the drop sensors underneath the machine and Eufy is assuming the sudden difference in the tone of the floor is a potential drop hazard. Anyway, all is solved by closing the curtains where this might be an issue. It is just something we will need to plan for before leaving Eufy to function while we are out of the house in the summer; but it's by no means a deal-breaker.Apart from all the cleaning benefits, Eufy does appeal to the techie nerd in me and certainly causes visitors and family huge and mixed degrees of amusement and bemusement. We keep ours under a sofa and get him to emerge to greet guests. Just make sure you forewarn any unsuspecting visitor with a heart condition before you press the remote button

James B
  • 12 Mar 2019, Tue
Fantastic Life Changing Vacuum Cleaner*
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I guess there are some people out there that actually enjoy a good 'vacuuming'. Well if that's you then read no further. For the rest of you that would rather do something else with their time, then have I got some good news for you.

Quick up to speed on me bit... Electronics Engineer with a Dyson Handheld and now a Eufy 11s.

It's good, really good. Easy to operate and clean, I mostly use the auto setting in which it trundles around for 90 minutes then goes home to charge.

The only time it struggles to navigate is around the sloping kitchen barstools, but after about 30 seconds of trying to mount them it turns around and wanders off.

Through no fault of the robovac it has attempted to suck up an Apple lightning lead and a USB C at the same time. All good! No damage to either the leads of the robovac, it's very safe to use. It'll just beep and flash a red light if it's not happy with life, then shut down and await your rescue.

Hard floors, carpets with rugs on them.. the lot. I ended up buying two more of the 11s for friends and family, so I've seen the photos of people's dust buckets ;-)

Upstairs has not been a problem, though the first approaches to the stair edge did make my heart rate go up. Carpeted landing and stairs, it knows when to turn around.

Battery life - really? when was the last time you vacuumed for 90+ minutes non-stop? So don't you go worrying about the battery life, it's all good.

Noise level - my partner said she was happily having a tele-conference form home whilst robovac was trundling around. I'm more than happy with the noise level too, it's much quieter than my handheld Dyson, and less effort to use ;-)

Great price for the features, build quality and ease of use. Say goodbye to vacuuming and not your bank balance.

TOP TIP - When the rotating brushes become a bit 'tired', just plop them in some hot water and... ta dah! as new (see photos)

* life changes are subject to perspective, terms and conditions apply.

  • 12 Mar 2019, Tue
Fantastic Life Changing Vacuum Cleaner*
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I guess there are some people out there that actually enjoy a good 'vacuuming'. Well if that's you then read no further. For the rest of you that would rather do something else with their time, then have I got some good news for you.Quick up to speed on me bit... Electronics Engineer with a Dyson Handheld and now a Eufy 11s.It's good, really good. Easy to operate and clean, I mostly use the auto setting in which it trundles around for 90 minutes then goes home to charge.The only time it struggles to navigate is around the sloping kitchen barstools, but after about 30 seconds of trying to mount them it turns around and wanders off.Through no fault of the robovac it has attempted to suck up an Apple lightning lead and a USB C at the same time. All good! No damage to either the leads of the robovac, it's very safe to use. It'll just beep and flash a red light if it's not happy with life, then shut down and await your rescue.Hard floors, carpets with rugs on them.. the lot. I ended up buying two more of the 11s for friends and family, so I've seen the photos of people's dust buckets ;-)Upstairs has not been a problem, though the first approaches to the stair edge did make my heart rate go up. Carpeted landing and stairs, it knows when to turn around.Battery life - really? when was the last time you vacuumed for 90+ minutes non-stop? So don't you go worrying about the battery life, it's all good.Noise level - my partner said she was happily having a tele-conference form home whilst robovac was trundling around. I'm more than happy with the noise level too, it's much quieter than my handheld Dyson, and less effort to use ;-)Great price for the features, build quality and ease of use. Say goodbye to vacuuming and not your bank balance.TOP TIP - When the rotating brushes become a bit 'tired', just plop them in some hot water and... ta dah! as new (see photos)* life changes are subject to perspective, terms and conditions apply.


  • 21 Feb 2019, Thu
Fabulous Bit Of Kit
Reviewed on Ebay

When the doctor said no hoovering for a month, I had visions of disappearing under piles of cat fur ... then I got my Eufy 11S and it's fabulous ... it's does all it promises and is so quiet I can even hoover at midnight and not annoy the neighbours.

  • 09 Feb 2019, Sat
????OMG!! Our life will never be the same, we love our ????robot :-)
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

 After reading the wonderful reviews of other users I ventured to have my own robot, and since then live has never been the same! Everyday dusty does his work around the house and I find myself shocked at the amount of dust he keeps finding. My husband was a bit skeptical about outsourcing our vacuuming to the robot, but we are blown away by his efficacy, ease to use and everyday value.

  • 18 Jan 2019, Fri
Very impressed! Much better than I thought it could
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Ok... I wasn’t sure this would be as good as the reviews. We’re only 2 days in. HoweverThis little Beauty is fantastic! Firstly it works straight out the box, it couldn’t be any easier. Remove some foam bits, put the brushes on (you get spares as well!) and your off!!It does take a random path to cleaning, but that really doesn’t matter, it cleans. I wasn’t sure how great it would be. 2 kids and a dog... we have tiled floor... timber floor... and a couple of semi shag rugs. It does the lot! Our house has the bedrooms downstairs and it doesn’t fall down the stairs, I felt nervous letting it go free but I shouldn’t have the sensors kick in and it didn’t fall!!Seen a few reports that it won’t go “home” to dock. Ours always gets there, however it will travel about for 5 min for some reason but it will go home (very oddly satisfying watching it dock itself) .This machine has been a game changer for us, the amount it picks up is amazing! Don’t get me wrong it won’t stop me getting the Dyson out but I can already see it will be 90% quicker thanks to this bit of gadget.Will report back if it lets me down, but so far we all love it and it does make me feel a little lazy!

Mr A.
  • 14 Jan 2019, Mon
Love it
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I was skeptical at first and I haven't manually vacuumed since I got this amazing robovac.1- It cleans carpet (not too fluffy, but not too thin in my flat)2- It cleans thoroughly, its patterns may seem random but it gets the job done3- It's silent compared to a bigger vacuum cleaner4- It's very easy to useI use it on a per room basis, just close the door, remove cables and wait 20/30 min and it's clean. Most rooms are carpeted, and the results are consistently good.It will last around 30/40 minutes on a full charge and go back to it's charging baseIt requires you to empty it's dust collecting unit pretty much every time.Maintenance is key for this to give you the best value, but it gives me the same results as normal vacuuming without having to do it myself. I am very happy with it.

Alan Ban
  • 06 Jan 2019, Sun
Great -with a few limitations
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

As long as you understand that it cannot do long pile rugs, and gets hung up on power cords (you have to tie them up out of its way - they provide the zip ties to do that)- its a great little device. I have tile and vinyl floors with rugs interspersed around, and because the rugs are too think for it to manage, it just goes around. Occasionally it climbs up on a rug and gets itself stuck and I have to rescue it. But overall I think it is fantastic - I just start it when I'm going out, and I when I get home and it's sitting back on the charger and the floors are clean! It can manage the short pile rugs fine. It also goes under the furniture - I'm sure under the sofa has never been so clean. I have a hairy dog and it manages the dog hair just fine.

wolfie girl
  • 31 Dec 2018, Mon
Fantastic robotic 22nd century piece of equipment!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Product arrived fast. Box was complete with instructions, padding of the parts, spares, brushes was excellent to fit. The base unit to charge was placed in a suitable as required position on the floor - as I’ve hard flooring throughout it was just a matter of location and found an ideal spot. The robotic hoover takes a few minutes to find once stopped its duty but it locates nevertheless fine. Had to empty - obviously each time - but quite a lot of fluff and debris from house which I possibly overlooked before which is fantastic. The time and set to do its duty function is awesome! Set for 10am each morning, comes awake, does it’s job, keeps the cat entertained by following it and wondering what the heck is going on. So new pals and he keeps it on the straight and narrow with guarding any issues haha! Could not fault! Love it. Battery life is excellent, brushes are fantastic and the little dudes sunction works wonders. Really renders my dyson handheld redundant and makes house even more spotless.

  • 26 Dec 2018, Wed
Fantastic Robot Vacuum
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I've had Eufy for a few months now, and have been really impressed with its cleaning capability. The suction is so strong for such a small machine, and it keeps carpets and hard floors looking their best. Here's the pros and cons from my experience:Pros:+ It's powerful and manages to suck up most debris fairly easily+ The drop sensors work perfectly so it works at the top of stairs with any worries+ It's not intelligent, but that means it works for through multiple rooms well+ It almost always finds its way back to the charging station+ Eufy is much easier to empty compared to other robot vacs I've used+ The slim design enables it to go underneath furniture well+ The brushes are effective at removing fluff and lint+ The dust compartment is large enough to avoid having to empty it after every use+ Hair is swept up from carpets really well so would be good for people with a malting pet (or wife!)+ Eufy can climb small inclines easily so it useful if you need it to go over thick rugsCons:- The battery does seem to run out more quickly than other vacs I have, and the charge also takes longer (a few hours to fully charge)- The brush mechanism does need regular cleaning as hair becomes wound around the moving parts reducing the cleaning capability- Eufy does miss spots (due to its random moving pattern), but regular cleaning programs mean this isn't a real problemOverall, I'd definitely recommend Eufy. The suction power was pleasantly surprising and has made keeping carpets and hard floors clean a doddle.

John Hobb
RoboVac sucks up dirt and dust with 1000Pa of vacuuming power for a spotless clean you can see and feel.

The 3-Point cleaning system of counter-rotating side brushes plus a 14.5 cm rolling brush, combined with strong 1000Pa suction, effectively loosens, extracts, and vacuums dirt to give a superior clean.

RoboVac 11S The Super-Slim and Powerful RoboVac From eufy, the brand that lights up your life ? Smart technology and innovative design that make your life easier ? Created by the same team as Anker?renowned for exceptional quality and innovation Eliminate Vacuuming Chores RoboVac takes on dust-busting around your home so you don't have to. Multiple cleaning modes and auto-clean scheduling ensure an effortless, thorough clean while you relax. Improved Cleaning Refined from the inside and out to provide quiet vacuuming with zero hassle, RoboVac cleans with the equivalent sound of an operating microwave, and is only 2.85 tall to clean under low-hanging furniture with ease. Lean, Mean, Cleaning Machine RoboVac may be super-slim, but it's packed with a 3-point cleaning system, BoostIQ technology, and up to 1300Pa of suction power to ensure your floors and carpets are clear of all dirt, dust, and crumbs. Cleans Further A larger 0.6L dustbin allows RoboVac to pick up more dirt and dust to take full advantage of 100 minutes** of continuous cleaning and without the need for emptying in between. Premium Components The anti-scratch tempered glass cover provides a sleek look and superior protection for RoboVac, while the triple-layer high-performance filter achieves a better clean for your home. For Optimal Use: - Use on low- to medium-pile carpets, tile, laminated, and hardwood floors. Not suitable for high-pile carpet. - Move cables out of the way to avoid entanglement. 5 cable ties are provided in the package to help you better organize wires and power cords. Note: *Compared to previous eufy RoboVac models. **Standard suction mode (hardwood floors) provides approx. 100 minutes of cleaning. BoostIQ mode (carpeting) provides approximately 60 minutes of cleaning. RoboVac 11S sucks up dirt and dust with 1300Pa of suction for a spotless clean you can see and feel. Large wheels roll over carpets and climb over door ledges to get to the mess. RoboVac uses drop-sensing technology to avoid falling down stairs and off of ledges. RoboVac automatically returns to the charging base when power is low, ensuring it?s always charged and ready to vacuum. RoboVac combines a dual-layer filter and one high-performance filter to acheive a clean home. Multiple cleaning modes and a pre-set vacuuming time ensure an effortless, through clean while you do other things or nothing at all. RoboVac cleans up to 100 mins** per charge, so you get to enjoy a completely clean home from a single charge. A large 0.6L dustbox holds more dirt per clean to reduce the frequency of emptying.

Brand Eufy
Model NumberAK-848061047097
Item Weight2.6 Kg
Package Dimensions44.5 x 40.5 x 12 cm