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Neato Robotics BotVac 85
Neato Robotics

  • 449,99 £ / Cheapest Price on Internet

Brand: Neato Robotics
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(Neato Robotics BotVac 85)
  • 29 Sep 2019, Sun
Broke within warranty and repair failed
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I formerly had a Roomba, which was excellent. Alas my ex took it when we split up. Based on Which reviews, I bought this as a replacement. Oh, how I regret that decision.This was never as good as the Roomba, and then broke down on 29 July 2019. The sensors stopped working, so it crashed repeatedly into the same obstacle and then would not move at all. I followed support instructions to reboot, clean sensors etc to no avail. It was then returned for repair.Around 3 weeks later it came back from repair. Instead of fixing it the repair introduced a new and much more serious problem: the display stopped working entirely. I contacted support who said they could not repair it, and arranged a return for replacement.In due course the replacement did not work. I am now waiting for the replacement to be returned. It is 29 July 2019, 2 full months from the original problem, and I still do not have a functional robot vaccum.My advice? So not buy this. It breaks and cannot be fixed. Buy a Roomba instead.

Sarah Pemberton
  • 16 Jan 2019, Wed
Not good long term
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Bought one of these second hand on ebay. Worked OK in our first house but not as good after we moved.Can't handle cables/ rugs etc. Chewed a laptop charger and an expensive bracelet in it's time. Couldn't handle a half inch ridge around our fireplace so got stuck/ lost all the time. Frequently got clogged with hair and issues with hair in the brush bearings are well documented. Also quite noisy and slow.Eventually the battery/ charging port gave up and it wouldn't charge any more. Had to break it up for parts.


  • 01 Sep 2017, Fri
Terrible reliability. Won't be buying Neato products any time soon.
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

It broke down after 8 months of use, Neato send a replacement and after few months side brush it's not spinning anymore and now battery run out of juice pretty quickly.

Dawid Ceglowski
  • 24 Jan 2017, Tue
Disappointed user
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Not happy. Bought mine in Feb 2014 and it is now broken. Not overly used as there is just the two of us. Contacted Neatorobotics who said that there are no facilities in Europe for servicing or repair so now left with V expensive ornament. Amazon should not sell if there are no regional repair facilities.

Amazon Customer
  • 01 Dec 2016, Thu
Fair and honest dealings.
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Loved my Neato Robotic and will definitely be ordering another. When the small brush at the side stopped turning I contacted Neato Botvac and they could not have been more helpful. Also Amazon have been very fair and quick with the refund and all expenses. Thank you.

mrs d m stevens
  • 12 Oct 2016, Wed
Even better than the original
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I had the X15. When it died after 18 months the manufacturer paid towards a new one. And as much as I loved the original Mr Neato this one is now much loved as well.Improved design - bigger dustbin, proper bearings more powerful and more aggressive when trapped and more determined to escape from under chairs. So all in all I'm very happy.

  • 07 Dec 2015, Mon
Really good vacuum cleaner. Works as well as you'd hope and more
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Love this little dude! It's not just a gadget or gimmick - it really works as a vacuum. First few times it was run it picked up a disgusting amount of dirt and grime despite me having just used my Vax upright. It really puts it to shame. The way it maps the room and puts perfect lines into my carpet is very impressive. It rarely gets confused. Much better than the vacuums that just wonder around aimlessly. I really would recommend this. I've also taken it around peoples houses to embarrass them when I show them the dirt bin.There are a few corners that it misses each time and obviously narrow gaps are off limits to it, but i just go around every month with my upright and do those few spots.I don't seem to bother with the scheduled cleaning - I just carry him into the room/floor I want to clean, press a button then leave him to it. Cleaning the kitchen has turned into knocking all the crumbs onto the floor then getting the Neato to suck them up. What can be better?

  • 24 Nov 2015, Tue
A great robot cleaner
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I took a while before writing this review to ensure I had seen the good and the bad from this Robot cleaner. I had previously owned a Samsung robot cleaner and would say I was okay with the cleaning it did, but wow the Neato is far superior.Unlike some cleaners, it maps the floor first and is very good at avoiding obstacles. I thought my kitchen table and chairs (the nemesis of my previous robot) would be as problematic, but it nips in and out with ease. I like the way it deals with the edge of the room by adjusting it's course as opposed to stopping and backing away should it hit the skirting board. This has made the cleaning time reduce considerably. If I had to pick a Pro and Con list it would be as follows:Pros:DesignMapping systemFilter and bin designSpeedCons:The filter requires a brush to clean it as you empty the binRemember this is a vacuum and as opposed to a sweeper, it really does pick up the dirt !

Paul S
  • 19 Nov 2015, Thu
Much better than expected
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

My first experience with a robot vacuum cleaner was about 10 years ago, the one I bought then was rubbish. More a gimmick than anything useful.I purchased a Neato after reading a review, I thought I would give robot vacuums another chance.I was amazed at how good this thing is. Even my wife who hates me buying gadgets, (I buy a lot! ) loves it. When I told her I had bought it, she had a bit of a go at me. But once she saw the results her tone changed. I am amazed at how long the thing can operate on a charge. It seems to have fairly powerful meters operating it's wheels, and a fair amount of suction. Yet it can go for around 40 mins. The only downside I have is that I do have to sometimes stop it to empty it's bin, it doesn't seem to detect when its full. Im not sure if it's even supposed to. I guess a bigger bin could not easily be fitted due to it's sensors etc. But in the scheme of things it's no big deal. I would highly recommend one of these.

P. Beebe
  • 12 Nov 2015, Thu
One Star
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

fantastic my house has never been so clean

mrs maureen jane bingham
  • 29 Sep 2015, Tue
We thoroughly use the neato on a daily basis. ...
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

We thoroughly use the neato on a daily basis. With 3 dogs it comes to the party. Some days it has a off day and gets slightly confused, however 9/10 days it functions as you'd expect.

  • 15 Sep 2015, Tue
Performs much better than I expected
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I thought long and hard before buying this machine and so far, after 4 weeks of almost daily use, I ‘m very impressed with it. I have a dog and two long haired cats who shed fur on an industrial scale so as you can imagine my floors (and furniture) need regular vacuuming. Normally within 30 minutes of vacuuming I can see the fur start to build up again.
So I wanted a maintenance cleaner that would keep my floors looking relatively clean in between bigger cleaning sessions with my Dyson animal. I wasn't expecting too much from the Neato but I have been impressed by how well it vacuums. It even picks up 95% of stray cat litter. I have to empty its bin most days because it fills up every day. That's not a problem with the bin capacity, but more a problem with the amount of fur my pets shed.
I must admit that I had worried about buying the Neato because I had read about a few battery problems however the latest reviews were very good and put Neato on a par with Roomba which I had also considered buying. Like other reviewers I pumped for Neato because it's described as a vacuum cleaner rather than a sweeper and also it's cheaper!
Other reviewers have said that their Neato needs rescuing quite regularly, however until a couple of days ago I've had no problems. I don't use the boundary marker tape as I just shut the machine in each room and shut the door. I make sure I have lifted all obstacles out of the way and it does the job without any problems. That is until a couple of days ago when I inadvertently left a door open. It tried to move itself into the next room but seemed to get stuck up against the skirting board and called for help. It should have backed up and moved on but didn't so that gave me some concern. I reckoned that my leaving the door open without boundary markers had screwed up its navigation system so the next time I made sure the doors were closed. It's worked fine since then. If I was out at work each day I would use the boundary tape and leave doors open but I work from home so I feel I

LS Price
  • 15 Sep 2015, Tue
Performs much better than I expected
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I thought long and hard before buying this machine and so far, after 4 weeks of almost daily use, I ‘m very impressed with it. I have a dog and two long haired cats who shed fur on an industrial scale so as you can imagine my floors (and furniture) need regular vacuuming. Normally within 30 minutes of vacuuming I can see the fur start to build up again.So I wanted a maintenance cleaner that would keep my floors looking relatively clean in between bigger cleaning sessions with my Dyson animal. I wasn't expecting too much from the Neato but I have been impressed by how well it vacuums. It even picks up 95% of stray cat litter. I have to empty its bin most days because it fills up every day. That's not a problem with the bin capacity, but more a problem with the amount of fur my pets shed.I must admit that I had worried about buying the Neato because I had read about a few battery problems however the latest reviews were very good and put Neato on a par with Roomba which I had also considered buying. Like other reviewers I pumped for Neato because it's described as a vacuum cleaner rather than a sweeper and also it's cheaper!Other reviewers have said that their Neato needs rescuing quite regularly, however until a couple of days ago I've had no problems. I don't use the boundary marker tape as I just shut the machine in each room and shut the door. I make sure I have lifted all obstacles out of the way and it does the job without any problems. That is until a couple of days ago when I inadvertently left a door open. It tried to move itself into the next room but seemed to get stuck up against the skirting board and called for help. It should have backed up and moved on but didn't so that gave me some concern. I reckoned that my leaving the door open without boundary markers had screwed up its navigation system so the next time I made sure the doors were closed. It's worked fine since then. If I was out at work each day I would use the boundary tape and leave doors open but I work from home so I feel I don't need t

LS Price

  • 05 Aug 2015, Wed
8 months on - love it!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I've had this robot cleaner for about 8 months without problem. Even if it packed up next week I'd get another. It took me a bit of time to get the house organised so that our robot (Robby) would have obstacle free paths - floor length curtains and trailing wires were potential tangle areas, and one of my radiators is just at the height that Robby often gets stuck there. But a piece of the magnetic strip in front of that particular radiator sorts it out. I love the fact that the robot knows when approaching a stair edge and doesn't fall down them. You do need to have another vacuum still to clean the stairs yourself - the robot won't do those. Watching the robot was interesting at first, but now I just put it on & let it get on with it. I do find that I feel more inclined to do other cleaning when its on the go - it's just psychological, but the sound of cleaning going on in another room is encouraging. I had a friend's dog to stay whilst she was on holiday - a collie with a very bushy coat. Robby coped with the dog hair fine, although I found that I had to clean the roller after every use whilst the dog was with us. I keep an old nail brush which I use to periodically to brush the filter when emptying the bin, as I think that helps with reducing the need to change filter so often.

  • 05 Aug 2015, Wed
8 months on - love it!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I've had this robot cleaner for about 8 months without problem. Even if it packed up next week I'd get another. It took me a bit of time to get the house organised so that our robot (Robby) would have obstacle free paths - floor length curtains and trailing wires were potential tangle areas, and one of my radiators is just at the height that Robby often gets stuck there. But a piece of the magnetic strip in front of that particular radiator sorts it out. I love the fact that the robot knows when approaching a stair edge and doesn't fall down them. You do need to have another vacuum still to clean the stairs yourself - the robot won't do those. Watching the robot was interesting at first, but now I just put it on & let it get on with it. I do find that I feel more inclined to do other cleaning when its on the go - it's just psychological, but the sound of cleaning going on in another room is encouraging. I had a friend's dog to stay whilst she was on holiday - a collie with a very bushy coat. Robby coped with the dog hair fine, although I found that I had to clean the roller after every use whilst the dog was with us. I keep an old nail brush which I use to periodically to brush the filter when emptying the bin, as I think that helps with reducing the need to change filter so often.

  • 24 Jul 2015, Fri
Impressive device
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I researched which robotic vacuum to buy and eventually decided on this one, although it was more expensive than others I looked at. However, (after a week) I am very impressed. He's not perfect but does a very good job cleaning the house. The waste container (inevitably) isn't very big, but the trick is to use him every day so there isn't a lot of dirt for him to clean up. I do find emptying the container a little awkward - it requires removal of the filter by pulling on a little tag, but as I have rather arthritic hands I find this a bit difficult. I have dogs and the hair tends to stick to the filter, but I've found the answer is to use my small hand-held cleaner to suck the dust and hair off the filter; a little irritating, but I don't think it's a serious fault. The flat leading edge means that he can get to the edge of the floor and clean along the walls, and the curved rear means he can get in and out of corners rather cleverly. He did squeeze under a dining chair and then got stuck as he couldn't quite line himself up again to get out, but that's been the only problem. The battery (so far) lasts well and he can clean the whole upstairs or downstairs on one charge. The sensor which stops him falling downstairs works effectively so I can leave him to clean the whole upstairs without worrying; it also stopped him from climbing out the back door. The floors do need to be clutter-free and having Jeeves (as he has been named) has provided an incentive to keep the house tidier! One little point - it would be good if he could alert me if he was stuck - I happened to notice him under the chair frantically trying to escape, but it would be a good idea if he'd make a warning noise or said 'help I'm trapped' so I could have gone to his aid sooner. So far I love him!
Additional comments Jun 2018: Jeeves (as he is called) has recently been rather dysfunctional, working for a few minutes then returning to his base station to recharge (sometimes failing to get there and dying on the way). He would then wake up a

  • 24 Jul 2015, Fri
Impressive device
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I researched which robotic vacuum to buy and eventually decided on this one, although it was more expensive than others I looked at. However, (after a week) I am very impressed. He's not perfect but does a very good job cleaning the house. The waste container (inevitably) isn't very big, but the trick is to use him every day so there isn't a lot of dirt for him to clean up. I do find emptying the container a little awkward - it requires removal of the filter by pulling on a little tag, but as I have rather arthritic hands I find this a bit difficult. I have dogs and the hair tends to stick to the filter, but I've found the answer is to use my small hand-held cleaner to suck the dust and hair off the filter; a little irritating, but I don't think it's a serious fault. The flat leading edge means that he can get to the edge of the floor and clean along the walls, and the curved rear means he can get in and out of corners rather cleverly. He did squeeze under a dining chair and then got stuck as he couldn't quite line himself up again to get out, but that's been the only problem. The battery (so far) lasts well and he can clean the whole upstairs or downstairs on one charge. The sensor which stops him falling downstairs works effectively so I can leave him to clean the whole upstairs without worrying; it also stopped him from climbing out the back door. The floors do need to be clutter-free and having Jeeves (as he has been named) has provided an incentive to keep the house tidier! One little point - it would be good if he could alert me if he was stuck - I happened to notice him under the chair frantically trying to escape, but it would be a good idea if he'd make a warning noise or said 'help I'm trapped' so I could have gone to his aid sooner. So far I love him!Additional comments Jun 2018: Jeeves (as he is called) has recently been rather dysfunctional, working for a few minutes then returning to his base station to recharge (sometimes failing to get there and dying on the way). He would then wake up again

  • 20 Jul 2015, Mon
Smart and Quick
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Clever, cleans well. can't fault it one bit!

  • 07 Jun 2015, Sun
Absolutely fantastic product. Just press a button and sit and relax whilst this cleaner cleans to perfection
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I cannot praise this enough. I purchased an IRobot and replaced it with this. It is far more superior. It doesn't get stuck on things, unless you leave loads of stuff on the floor. It cleans to the edges where it can get to. The cleaning performance is better than a conventional cleaner (I used Dysons). It detects door openings and can go from room to room with no hassles. It has a timer on it, mine is set to 5.30 am, every day I wake up and my carpets are beautifully cleaned. i have a dog and cat and it handles picking up their fur exceptionally well. I have dark green carpets so everything shows. If you want an instant clean, you just press the button and it starts. Easy set up.The company supply a few filters and everything you need and the cost is no more than a conventional cleaner.If there was any downside to this cleaner, I would say that even though it has a spot cleaning facility, I have not got the hang of directing it to the spot I want cleaning, so I just get to clean the room again. I love to see a clean carpet, especially when I have not had to expend any energy! Anybody heard of robotic grass cutters?

Brenda Anderson
  • 04 Jun 2015, Thu
Amazingly effective; super intelligent. It just works.
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

This appeared in a Lightning sale and I was tempted. I hesitated at first then pressed "buy". I am glad it did. I have to say that these robot cleaners have come of age. Mr Neato zips around brushing and sucking up all sorts of stuff. In my case it is operating on wooden floors and each time I empty the dirt box I really cannot believe how much muck it has found and collected. Its behaviour is highly intelligent. It goes under settees, squeezes between chair legs and climbs over the small ledges that join rooms, taking a diagonal run up if it first does not succeed. When it gets stuck it can lift one leg higher than the other to wriggle free. It really is very clever. When it gets stuck it is usually because it has sucked up a cloth or similar than should not have been left on the floor. My fault. I'm still on the first paper filter after six months of use, thanks to cleaning it with a brush. Occasionally it does not find its way exactly onto the charging station but usually it does. If it needs help, you will easily hear the chirp that calls for help. Operating and setting up a cleaning scheduling is so simple and conducted in plain English. Recommended.


Product Description

Powerful, intelligent and stylish
Powerful, intelligent and stylish
Neato BotVac 85 Robot Vacuum--Great for Homes with Pets

The Neato BotVac 85 uses advanced robotic technology and thoughtful design to vacuum homes thoroughly and methodically. Housed in a brilliant white case with Laguna blue accent colors, it offers even greater vacuuming efficiency and capacity for picking up more dust and allergens that lurk in homes. The foundation of Neato’s robotic technology is its patented Neato BotVision. BotVision uses proprietary navigation software that is based on SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping). It also utilises its own proprietary laser scanner. Neato’s proprietary laser distance system continually scans a room, making instant decisions based on input from its external sensors. This enables Neato robots to create detailed and accurate maps of their environment and then methodically vacuum in straight lines, instead of bumping around a room randomly. As a result, Neato cleans a room much more quickly than other robot vacuums.

Square not round

In addition, the orderly and directional navigation made possible by BotVision meant Neato could design a D-shaped robot with three straight sides and a large brush positioned across the full width of the robot, not just in a small space in the centre of a circle. Because of its shape, Neato cleans close to the walls and gets into corners.

Large brush and closer cleaning

Designed to hug walls for maximum cleaning power, it cleans within 10 millimetres of the wall and even includes a side brush to pick up every speck of dust. Its larger dirt bin holds more captured dirt, dander, pet hair and allergens and is easy to empty.

The BotVac see under furniture and in the dark
The BotVac see under furniture and in the dark
View larger
Let it run, your work is done

A real smarty vac. Neato BotVac uses patented Neato technology to scan the room, plan the most efficient course and complete the job in record time. Detects obstacles. Sees, senses and responds to furniture, toys and stairs, carefully moving around them, without missing a spot. Cleans where you don’t. And others can’t. Neato BotVac can even see in the dark. It goes under cabinets and furniture to spot and capture hiding dust bunnies.

Optimised air-flow for maximum suction
Optimised air-flow for maximum suction
A true vacuum, not a sweeper

A real vacuum: Neato robots are built from the ground up to be true vacuums, not sweepers, with the powerful suction users want from their vacuum. Dirt Defying Cleaning System. Neato BotVac combines powerful suction and versatile brushes, bigger-is-better bagless bin, and extra-large filter that captures particles as small as 0.3 microns, like mould and pet dander.

The distance from the brush end to side wall is only 10 millimetres
The distance from the brush end to side wall is only 10 millimetres
Square, self-charging and upgradable

Square and proud. Neato BotVac has a thoughtfully designed square shape, so it can edge along walls and go deep into corners. Keeps itself charged. When Neato BotVac needs more juice, it goes to its charging base then returns to where it left off and finishes the job. Gets smarter over time. As new features become available, you can download them right into your Neato BotVac. It’ll love the extra boost. And you’ll love your Neato BotVac even more.

Let is run. Your work is done
Let it run, your work is done
View larger
The perfect friend for pet owners and allergy sufferers

Versatile Brush System--easy-to-swap combo and blade brushes for maximum cleaning flexibility. Perfect for all floor types and pet hair pick-up. The precise edge cleaning side brush makes sure not a speck of dust is left behind. Best at picking up pet hair. Ideal for pet owners and allergy sufferers. Precise edge cleaning side brush. Neato BotVac’s precise edge cleaning side brush makes sure not a speck of dust escapes its path.

Cleans places you cannot get to
Cleans places you cannot get to
Effortless cleaning

Cleans when and where you want. Schedule daily, instant multi-room, and spot cleaning. Easily schedule daily cleanings or just push a button for instant multi-room or spot cleaning. Comes with the heavy-duty blade brush, combo brush and three high-performance filters.

Smart, stylish and effective
Smart, stylish and effective
About Neato Robotics

Neato Robotics believes it is possible to create robots smart enough to perform household chores as intelligently and efficiently as a human. Neato is dedicated to improving consumers’ lives, allowing them to spend less time cleaning and more time with family and friends. Neato is driving innovation with products like the Neato Robot Vacuum that are smarter, more powerful, and more effective than anything previously seen on the market. For more information, visit www. neatorobotics. com/

Box Contains

Robot Vacuum
Installed: High-Performance Filter, Combo Brush and Side Brush
Integrated Charge Base
High Performance Filter (2)
Blade Brush
Boundary Marker
User Guide
Important Information Insert

Brand Neato Robotics
Model Number 945-0110
Colour White
Item Weight 3.9 Kg
Product Dimensions 33 x 31.8 x 10.2 cm
Capacity 0.7 litres
Volume Capacity 0.7 litres
Power / Wattage 1800 watts
Voltage 220 volts
Auto Shutoff No
Noise Level 63 dB
Special Features Bagless, Charging Station, Cordless, Pet Hair, Power Brush