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Neato Robotics Botvac Connected
Neato Robotics

  • 449,99 £ / Cheapest Price on Internet

Brand: Neato Robotics
Review 112 user comments
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(Neato Robotics Botvac Connected)
  • 27 May 2020, Wed
Neato Vacuum's always break
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I've had a couple of Neato Botvacs. I'd love to recommend them but the bumper sensor always seems to go after a while, meaning it can't tell if its running into an object or not.

Jacob L.
  • 11 Nov 2019, Mon
Broken a little over a year since the purchase, disappointed
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

After a bit over a year it's broken. Looks like the Lidar system stopped working. Anyway to contact the customer care? It should still be eligible for an international 2 years warranty but Amazon is so difficult to get along with the warranty...


  • 02 Nov 2019, Sat
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

My best fried.

  • 10 Apr 2019, Wed
Reviewed on Currys.co.uk

Great hoover, we thought our floors were clean until this little guy went around relatively quite even on turbo mode. Maps out the room very well and I like the preview of what it sends to you after cleaning so you can see if any areas were missed which is usually due to leaving something on the floor which gets in the way. The setup of the Wi-Fi can be a little tedious and sometimes he doesn’t re-dock properly which then means he doesn’t charge correctly. Other than this the app is functional just a shame about lack of support for Apple HomeKit but all robot hoovers suffer this at the moment

  • 13 Feb 2019, Wed
Great piece of kit BUT stopped working after 2 years!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I really loved my Neato, it worked well and it was relatively clever maneuvering around the house.However after 2 years it stopped working. I followed all the support instructions and also used the chat support to try and fix it. Sadly nothing worked and they just told me 'sorry', it is out of warranty... You can try to get if fixed. I really dislike splashing out £600 just to be told sorry after 2 year. I expect a lot more from a company that want to been seen as 'disrupter' in this space. I am very disappointed and will for sure NEVER buy or recommend a Neato product to anyone.Neato - please get you act together and look better after your existing customers. Shame on you!

Mr. Soren
  • 01 Jan 2019, Tue
Quality of service
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

After 17 months of faultless cleaning our robot “Wanda” refused to leave her base. Having tried all suggested cures, we approached Neato Robotics with a sinking feeling knowing “Wanda” was just out of warranty. We were pleasantly surprised at the fast response. This got even better when their representative arranged for the swift return of the robot for inspection. Arrangements were made for pickup and return to the repairers. A few days later came the diagnosis. Wanda was very sick and required major surgery. Our heart sank and my wallet twitched. “Sounds expensive” I thought. I ventured the question regarding cost and was informed that there would be no charge despite just being out of warranty. A week later Wanda returned, repaired and complete with a new battery. All charges including transport were waived. She is now back at work and the house is back to its pristine self.

Apart from the fact that the Robot does an excellent job, companies of this calibre deserve to prosper. I would thoroughly recommend this product.

  • 01 Jan 2019, Tue
Quality of service
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

After 17 months of faultless cleaning our robot “Wanda” refused to leave her base. Having tried all suggested cures, we approached Neato Robotics with a sinking feeling knowing “Wanda” was just out of warranty. We were pleasantly surprised at the fast response. This got even better when their representative arranged for the swift return of the robot for inspection. Arrangements were made for pickup and return to the repairers. A few days later came the diagnosis. Wanda was very sick and required major surgery. Our heart sank and my wallet twitched. “Sounds expensive” I thought. I ventured the question regarding cost and was informed that there would be no charge despite just being out of warranty. A week later Wanda returned, repaired and complete with a new battery. All charges including transport were waived. She is now back at work and the house is back to its pristine self.Apart from the fact that the Robot does an excellent job, companies of this calibre deserve to prosper. I would thoroughly recommend this product.

  • 26 Dec 2018, Wed
So many problems
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I’ve had this replaced 3 times within the first year of having it as it kept having sensor issues. The room where it’s docking station is in is completely empty, yet it would get stuck on nothing. The last one we received seemed to be functioning ok, then a month after the year warranty was finished, the clip for the dirt bin broke and now the vacuum won’t function as it thinks the bin is missing. The clip itself is very flimsy and made of plastic. It forms part of the frame of the machine. There are no replacement parts for this bit. I contacted Neato Robotics, but they couldn’t help as it was out of warranty. They gave me the details of their approved repairer for the UK who never answered their phone or responded to emails. Even Neato Robotics tried to contact them with no response. The vacuum itself was good when it functioned correctly, but having no after sales service when the 1 year warranty period is finished is atrocious. You’d expect a better level of service having paid so much for the product.

  • 12 Dec 2018, Wed
Terrible reliability
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Having bought a Neato Connected and using for 18 months mostly trouble free the battery has failed. There are no batteries available from Neato or from any other third parties. I have emailed "Let Me Repair" as suggested by Neato customer support without any success. This was the third Neato product to fail within 2 years of purchase and my new Neato Botvac D7 Connected has now got a failed laser after only 6 months.Probably the best robot Vac for navigating but terrible reliability.

Amazon Customer
  • 24 Aug 2018, Fri
Wonderful equipment and excellent customer service
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Does a great job at keeping the house mostly dust free, it's easy to use and super easy to maintain day to day.Ran into a minor technical problem that was solved quickly by Neato customer support

Bjarni Þór Einarsson
  • 20 Aug 2018, Mon
Great cleaning job
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Excellent robo-cleaner. Cleans very efficiently - great time saver! I've had mine for three years now and it's still going strong. They sorted out a battery charging problem a while ago with a software update and it's be fine since. Runs for an hour or so before being a charge. It's put my Henry out of work...

  • 13 Jul 2018, Fri
Reviewed on Currys.co.uk

When it works is great.. Often gets stuck in places it should be able to get out of. Often doesn't find it's way back to it's base to charge. A lot of money for something that only works some of the time.

  • 26 Jun 2018, Tue
Gets stuck all the time and hardly ever finds it base to go back to.
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Its great when it works. Keeps getting stuck on silly places.Hardly ever finds its base back.A bit disappointing.Returning it and getting a refund.

geovani goncalves

  • 03 Jun 2018, Sun
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

A robotice hoover! How awesomely wonderful, think of the time saved! I didn’t rush on make or model, I carefully researched which make and model and spent a good week reading reviews before. I choose the neato ‘bollock’ bot as it was meant to be excellent on flat floors and did the required sqm. After selling a kidney and depleting my eldest daughters inheritance. I purchased this device for a surprise present for my wife(misogynistic so and so, i hear you cry! I am sorry) after her intial explosion of joy and sense of fulfillment died down, we hit play on the ‘bot’. We have too admit that the first week we seriously considered building a bunker in the garden before the machines take over!! But thankfully it really is the stupidest thing i have ever seen, we programed it to clean the house, which has completely flat floors (polished concrete) and like all good characterless modern homes has little or no obstacles in the way. Yet it is forever bumping into the only obstacle in the house, even though we have programmed it to clean like a farmer would plough a field, it still randomly buggers of from one room to another without cleaning anything, with no rhyme or reason to its logic. Then because its driving round the country side its battery then needs to recharge. So cleaning the house feels like we’re stuck in some forth dimension loop. Thankfully it sends me a text to tell me in a humanoid way that its stuck, full, needs cleaning has bumped its head and needs attention and as a result henry is wheeled out every ten minutes to hoover the hoover!!!! So be warned my friends if you think this is going to save you time or you are easily frustrated with technology, i would seriously avoid. Much easier with a hoover or a articulated broom head and a dustpan and brush.

George Shaw
  • 17 May 2018, Thu
Five Stars
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

what I wanted, when I wanted it at a price I wanted to pay

Steve Shaw
  • 14 May 2018, Mon
One Star
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Lasted 6-months. Then broke.

Peter D.
  • 01 May 2018, Tue
I like the wifi feature though
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I bought this robot because of the advertised sensor feature, but the robot often get stuck and I had to rescue it. So much for a paying extra for the sensor. I like the wifi feature though, we could send it to work when we are out of the house, but for the price I think it maybe best to buy the one without wifi and just set it on timer. It is most likely got stuck and wait for us to rescue it anyway. In term of cleaning work, it gets the job done. I like that I have a lot less dust now (when I can get the robot to work without getting stuck).

Esti L.
  • 01 May 2018, Tue
Waste of money - Had the older model with no issues - This is rubbish
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I have the earlier model to this and I am deeply disappointed with this model its been an absolute waste of money.It keeps on getting stuck under a sofa right in an area where the sofa must dip down (the middle) and I have to keep pulling it out! It can get out from either side of the sofa its just the middle part that must be too low.Initially I thought it was the rug which in part goes under the sofa so after each and every run with it getting stuck in the same place I reluctantly had to pull the rug up before I set it off to clean.But its not the rug its just a specific spot under a sofa where its too low and it is obsessed with cleaning under that same sofa! 3 times I've gone down this morning because I can hear it beeping to let me know its stuck and its sat there silent in the fact same place. Its like the more it needs to avoid an area the more it HAS to clean there.They are meant to learn as they get used to your environment but this machine is a waste of time.I work from home so I am able to rescue it when it gets stuck but if I wanted to set it up for the auto clean if I was out all day it simply wouldn't work because I would come home to find it stuck under the sofa every time

  • 18 Apr 2018, Wed
More thorough at cleaning up than I am!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Just completed the first month’s ownership of our new helper “Charlie” our Botvac Connected Robot Cleaner, and I can honestly say our carpets have not been so clean since they were new.We did have a few teething troubles mainly Charlie wanting to be put down on the floor when clearly that was where he already was. We were starting to think that he wasn’t going to be any good for our relatively large expanse of carpet. I changed to the straight brush and set him in eco for a couple of weeks, gave him a regular vacuum and kept blowing any collected dust from by the wheel sensors and he has now settled down. I think the issues we had were probably down to the extra pile coming off the carpets initially. He is now working on turbo again with the spiral bristle and plastic brush without any problems. Because it is easy to set him off on a cleaning run our carpets are vacuumed more regularly and are lovely and clean, he cleans easily under beds and furniture every time.Charlie does require more maintenance than an ordinary vacuum cleaner, the dust bin and filter need cleaning after every use, and a regular quick dust and vacuum seems to be keeping him working well.Highly recommend getting one if time is short or you find managing a traditional vacuum cleaner difficult.A quick update after a further 2 months all is still going well.

  • 08 Apr 2018, Sun
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - genuinely excellent
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

What an excellent technology device, it does the vacuuming like an extra from Mary Poppins.8 months into ownership and I still don't get tired of watching it's logical cleaning pattern as it hoovers up.I specifically chose the Neato Connected based on its laser based smart navigation, features and performance and have not been disappointed. Our house is a mixture of wood and carpeted flooring and the Neato does a great job on both.Providing you have reasonable expectations on the abilities of the current technology you will be happy with this vacuum:- it does need it's bin emptying and it's bin is smaller than a regular sized vacuum. I find emptying after each or every 2nd run is adequate- it requires the floors to be tidied before it runs. My kids shopkins and other small things can some times jam in its brush and it'l send an alert saying where it has got stuck (for this reason I don't use the scheduling)- While it copes with 1 of my rugs it gets stuck on 2 of the long hair ones so I pick these up out the way before it runs- It's sensors are generally good meaning it is gentle on furniture etc however in an enclosed space it can end up bumping things a bit harder while trying to reverse manoeuvre out although I have had no damage to any furniture or the hoover so far- The filter does need replacing every couple of months or so. The suction power does drop off with a clogged/dirty filter so replacing it is essential for optimum performance so do factor in this cost- Like any battery powered device the battery will not last forever and will need replaced at some pointI did have reservations on buying the Neato with a number of negative reviews reporting reliability issues. I therefore purchased the Amazon extended warranty which covers it for 4 years. So far I have not had any reliability issues, at most just having to turn the vacuum on and off to reset it once. I do take care to ensure it is cleaned so there are no impediments to its motors or brushes so as not to strain and prematurely wear parts.Overall I am

Amazon Customer

Product Description

Botvac D2 Connected gives your entire home an effortless and powerful clean. Neato's advanced navigating technology lets the robot vacuum cover up to 5000 square feet per cleaning cycle, recharging automatically until the entire floor is cleaned with care. The Botvac D2 Connected is an accessory for the whole family, large or small, dog moms or cat dads, alike. Neato vacuum robots work on all floor types, including low carpets, hardwood and tile - picking up dirt, crumbs, fur and allergens with ease. The Combo Brush it uses not only allows it to clean quietly but also clean deeper. Combined with the easily removable Ultra Performance Filter, this pet-friendly vacuum cleaner traps unseen particles and fine dust including mould, spores, cat and dog dander, dust mites, pollen and fibres from textiles and carpet. Neato's distinctive D-shape design allows the vacuum to get deep into corners and close to walls, unlike round robot vacuums. With 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi and the user-friendly Neato app for iOS and Android, you can start, stop, pause and view the performed cleaning sessions right from your smartphone, smartwatch or tablet. Neato Robotics: From Silicon Valley, the most intelligent robot vacuum with cutting-edge technology. When it comes to automated cleaning, trust engineers from the most innovative place in the world.

Box Contains

Neato Botvac DCO2 includes: Wi-Fi Enabled Robot Vacuum - INSTALLED: Ultra Performance Filter, Combo Brush and Side Brush Integrated Charge Base Power Cord - Also in the box: Spiral Blade Brush Ultra Performance Filters, Cleaning Tool, Boundary marker

From the manufacturer


From Silicon Valley, the most intelligent robot vacuum with cutting edge technology. When it comes to automated cleaning, trust engineers from the most innovative place in the world.

Botvac DC02 Connected

Neato Botvac Connected Wi-Fi Enabled Robot Vacuum - Great for homes with pets.

See where your Neato robot’s been

The Neato mobile app lets you see a Cleaning Summary with information about the last 20 cleaning runs in your Neato robot vacuum’s history.

Even view a Coverage Map that shows you exactly where your Neato robot vacuum has cleaned.

Clean anytime, anywhere

Use the Neato app to clean your floors from wherever you are. Start, stop, pause, schedule, and receive notifications on the go.

Cleans deep into corners and close to edges

Exclusive D-Shape with CornerClever technology destroys dirt where it hides — in corners and along walls. Round robot vacuums simply are not up to the task.

Cleans Intelligently

Advanced laser floor plan mapping and navigation means a deep, thorough, methodical cleaning in less time with incredible digital precision.

Great for homes with pets and allergies

SpinFlow technology combines potent suction and precision brushes to leave floors immaculately clean. Dirt and pet hair will never know what hit it.

Wont let you down

When Neato needs more juice, it goes to its charge base then returns to where it left off and finishes the job.

Cleans every room in your house

Cleans entire level of home, goes back to base to recharge and resumes cleaning until the job is done. Works on all floor types.

Brand Neato Robotics
Model Number945-0181
ColourBlack and Silver
Item Weight3.5 Kg
Product Dimensions32.1 x 33.5 x 10 cm
Capacity0.7 litres
Volume Capacity0.7 litres
Power / Wattage40 watts
Auto ShutoffYes
Number of Speeds2
Noise Level69 dB
Special Featuresbagless;cordless, bagless, cordless