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Vileda VR101 Super Relax

  • 85,50 £ / Cheapest Price on Internet

Brand: Vileda
Review 24 user comments
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(Vileda VR101 Super Relax)
  • 02 Apr 2019, Tue
Ran once, then wouldn't work
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I bought this because of its large capacity dust bin, and had high hopes for it--I own another, different Vileda robot vac which has been brilliant. When it arrived I charged it fully then ran it once: it cleaned the room reasonably well but showed a warning light which indicated that it was trapped or stuck. I moved it to a better position and it still indicated that it was stuck. I cleaned it all out, recharged it, and again, that warning light. I have now worked out that only one of the wheels is now working, which is why it doesn't have the power to move itself along. I've returned it and won't buy another.

Jane Smith
  • 19 Jan 2019, Sat
You need to understand its limitations
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

This is a vacuum cleaner for a weekly session. It doesn't do the last centimetre next to the walls. Once a month it is necessary to use a vacumm cleaner with a tool to remove the dust from the corners and edges. Your frequencies may vary. Students might last a term before doing the edges. It is extremely convenient for keeping on top of things for the houseproud.It finds its way around and under furniture with few problems. In our house there are two items under which it jams. The front bumper needs to be slightly higher. We need a Eurostandard for space under furniture! :-) . Everything is about Brexit. Once you have worked those out for your house it is a simple matter of putting a barrier in place during the cleaning process. It gets under beds and blanket boxes that see a vacuum cleaner about once a year with us.It takes a long time to charge. It won't do the whole house, ours is 150 sqm, conveniently in a session. It is probably most productive to give it the run of the house while you are out (leave the doors open) than work room by room. Otherwise give it a room at a time. It will be very thorough. IT was great on our vinolay kitchen floor. The cleaning process is random. When it hits an obstacle, it changes direction. Frankly, this is as good as a programmed device costing much more. It relies on being allowed to do many passes across a room to cover everything eventually. Give it a nudge if it seems to be repeating itself. Mine easily identified the stairs and retreated.Mine developed a migraine. It operated for a few seconds, turned in a circle and shut off. This can be cured by deep cleaning. Take off the underplate and clean everything that you can see.

P. C. Owen

  • 18 Dec 2018, Tue
Get what you pay for
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Good for the money. Accessories are hard to find. Should include a diagram. Doesn’t do corners well.

Amazon Customer
  • 09 Dec 2018, Sun
Great for picking up cat fur
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Really easy to use, picks up loads in one go. Only downside is the 4 hour charging time inbetween uses. Great if, like us, you have 4 cats and 4 rabbits In your household. Run it daily and is great for cleaning under the bed! Would recommend :)

Ms. Lisa Howard
  • 25 Sep 2018, Tue
Does not work
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

It will only go for a few seconds and then cut out. Tried cleaning it out and charging, but doesn't last longer than a few seconds and then the two red lights start flashing

Amazon Customer
  • 11 Aug 2018, Sat
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

This wasn’t reliable, and broke quickly. So unfortunately I wouldn’t recommend this particular brand of robot vacuum.

  • 24 Jun 2018, Sun
Sorry but no
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

In a nutshell: you have to invest a bit more. Cheapies just are not doing well. Incl the Dirt Devil Spider I had before. Now I have the Neato Robotics Botvac D5 Connected. What a difference!The Vileda tries to drive in lanes without a laser-navigation and misses quite some parts. especially behind obstacles.Cleaning the dust compartment is easier than with the DirtDevil, but the Vileda has only the brush at the bottom and not the rotating sweeper (like the DirtDevil or the Neato that has both), missing quite some stuff in the corners. Carpet no chance. Even on the door mat it sometimes stucks.I used it for a week then not anymore for months and in the end I left it for the tenants after me so they can have some first experience.

Andre Wegner
  • 06 Jun 2018, Wed
Save your money for a better robot cleaner.
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

In my opinion the square shape does not improve on a round shape. The reason being is that it constantly gets stuck in corners and doesn't seem to be able to navigate it's way out. The time taken to keep lifting it out makes it impracticable and you use more energy and time than getting out the old hoover. There is no lifting handle which makes it awkward lifting it up. It is very slow when actually moving and takes for ever to charge up. So unless you live in a house with no furniture this is pretty useless. I think if it could get out of those tight corners it wouldn't be too bad, poor design. It can climb on to low pile carpets quite successfully but that is no consolation. Would not recomend.

ken bradshaw
  • 26 Mar 2018, Mon
Extremely poor battery performance.
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

This should be a great wee thing for cleaning hard floors but it's not, for the following reasons. 1: It takes about 2 hours to fully charge the battery but once the battery is fully charged it last for about 30 minutes, nowhere near the 80 minutes that it claims. Basically you get it to do one room then have to wait for it to charge 2 hours before doing another! Not exactly handy if you want to do all your housework in one day. 2.When it operates it can be incredibly stupid and will keep obsessively going over and over the same part of the floor for 10 minutes whilst completely missing other parts. It does tend to keep getting stuck under the same things , like a radiator and then keeps going back to it again and again and continually needs rescuing. The upside is that the parts of the floor that it does actually get to (when it has the battery power) are well cleaned. Probably ok in smaller rooms but not suitable for larger houses and rooms I would say.

  • 26 Mar 2018, Mon
Extremely poor battery performance.
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

This should be a great wee thing for cleaning hard floors but it's not, for the following reasons. 1: It takes about 2 hours to fully charge the battery but once the battery is fully charged it last for about 30 minutes, nowhere near the 80 minutes that it claims. Basically you get it to do one room then have to wait for it to charge 2 hours before doing another! Not exactly handy if you want to do all your housework in one day. 2.When it operates it can be incredibly stupid and will keep obsessively going over and over the same part of the floor for 10 minutes whilst completely missing other parts. It does tend to keep getting stuck under the same things , like a radiator and then keeps going back to it again and again and continually needs rescuing. The upside is that the parts of the floor that it does actually get to (when it has the battery power) are well cleaned. Probably ok in smaller rooms but not suitable for larger houses and rooms I would say.

  • 03 Mar 2018, Sat
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I'm only giving it one star because there was no 'minus stars' option! It's simply not sophisticated enough to cope with anything except a completely bare, square room, and even given one of those it left half the dirt behind. The obstacle sensor only senses at direct floor level, so it gets stuck around anything not at least 12cm off the floor (so under armchairs, cookers, cupboards). As soon as it hits anything like a table leg, bed leg etc. it gets completely confused and just shifts around randomly, losing any kind of pattern and then failing to cover about half the floor area. Absolutely terrible and I'm completely gutted that we wasted money on this heap of rubbish. We didn't buy it from Amazon but I wanted to put a review here so others aren't fooled by the dream of easy cleaning!

S. Josep
  • 31 Dec 2017, Sun
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

lovely it ticked all box`s so 5 stars.

  • 04 Dec 2017, Mon
One Star
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Isn’t clean everywhere

Amazon Customer

  • 10 Aug 2017, Thu
Not bad, a real time and effort saver
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I got this for my mother-in-law, who has been unwell recently, and unable to vacuum as often as she would like.We let it charge overnight, then used it in the living room to start with. It did a good job of cleaning the room (started from the centre of the room, expanded outwards). The room was carpeted, and the standards of cleaning were OK - not Dyson standard, but good enough that my MIL does not need to bring out the Dyson every week.You do need to recharge after an hour of use - but this was enough to vacuum two medium-sized rooms. After doing both downstairs rooms on day one (and charging overnight), we went on to the Kitchen on day two, which is tiled. Again, this did an OK job of cleaning - the exceptions being in the gaps between the fridge and the wall next to the fridge.Overall, it means that my MIL is not carrying the Dyson around her house each week, she has gone to using the Dyson about once a month; which means she feels a lot more relaxed.This has not been used upstairs, so cannot comment on the cliff sensors.If this was just a little bit more powerful with a bit more battery life (say 90 mins), I'd be giving it five stars

  • 26 Jul 2017, Wed
Not quite there yet...
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Idea is great, set this little robot on its way and it will tirelessly set about cleaning your floors and then recharge itself. Well, sadly floor cleaning robots at this price point are not quite as intelligent as muanufacturers might like us to think.The VR 101 was released to do its stuff but within 30 seconds failed the ' top of stairs' test by trying to commit robot suicide in driving off the edge. Ok, memo to self, avoid stairs although it did manage to avoid a death dive on 2 out of 4 tests.It also decided to wedge itself under a sofa and didn't have the ability to reverse out. Needs supervision we decided.Then there was the confrontation with the sitting cat. That confused it to the extent it had a nervous breakdown and sulked until reset. Cat 1, robot 0.Cleaning pattern was haphazard (couldn't find its way back) and performance on hard and short pile floors best described as just about adequate but for a really clean floor, a follow on vacuum with conventional cleaner was required.All in all, this unit( wonder if our test example was faulty?) was disappointing and difficult to recommend for anything other than a relatively expensive novelty item.

Cheshire Cat
  • 26 Jul 2017, Wed
Not quite there yet...
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Idea is great, set this little robot on its way and it will tirelessly set about cleaning your floors and then recharge itself. Well, sadly floor cleaning robots at this price point are not quite as intelligent as muanufacturers might like us to think.

The VR 101 was released to do its stuff but within 30 seconds failed the ' top of stairs' test by trying to commit robot suicide in driving off the edge. Ok, memo to self, avoid stairs although it did manage to avoid a death dive on 2 out of 4 tests.

It also decided to wedge itself under a sofa and didn't have the ability to reverse out. Needs supervision we decided.

Then there was the confrontation with the sitting cat. That confused it to the extent it had a nervous breakdown and sulked until reset. Cat 1, robot 0.

Cleaning pattern was haphazard (couldn't find its way back) and performance on hard and short pile floors best described as just about adequate but for a really clean floor, a follow on vacuum with conventional cleaner was required.

All in all, this unit( wonder if our test example was faulty?) was disappointing and difficult to recommend for anything other than a relatively expensive novelty item.

Cheshire Cat
  • 15 Jul 2017, Sat
Novelty soon wears off... not quite good enough.
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

This vacuum cleaner isn't really adequate to do a decent job of cleaning my floors, to be honest, and if I had paid for it, I think I'd be a bit disappointed.For one thing, it doesn't necessarily cover the entire floor because it seems to change direction when it hits a wall somewhat at random. I've sat and watched it and it does tend to miss bits. In my kitchen it left annoying crumbs in just one area, meaning I had to get my other cleaner out to finish off.Downstairs I have all hard floors and it does pick up animal hair from my cat pretty efficiently. I have emptied it twice which is very easy to do. It did jam itself on one of my son's socks when I tried to clean his bedroom but it didn't damage the machine, it just stops where it is and you can be in another room thinking it's doing its thing, when really it's jammed itself. You could say that's my fault for not checking the socks were moved!In my bedroom we have a carpet and it did cope with the pile (it states it won't work on pile over 1 cm high) - however it left little tracks in the pile of the carpet, which I suppose my other hoover does, but not quite so obviously.Also, in my bedroom, it got itself stuck under the wardrobe, which was amusing at first but then became irritating, because I had to hang around to keep an eye on it.You have to charge it after you've cleaned about two or three rooms and that takes five hours or more.So, a great idea, and all my friends are envious, but I think if I lent it to them, they'd see its shortcomings pretty quickly.I guess the technology will improve or maybe you would just be better off accepting that you'd have to spend more to get a better cleaner.If you are unwell or tired then perhaps this would help you out. You just wouldn't have to be too houseproud!

  • 12 Jul 2017, Wed
But, don't give up your vacuum!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

There is no denying that this is a fun product. Watch it go and your children will giggle and marvel at the future! It takes four to five hours to charge initially and following that initial charge, is good to go and lasts a good few hours. Well it did in my house as it's quite small!Pros: it does clean well, particularly on wooden floors and it is fascinating watching it navigate its way round, avoid bumps and scrapes and keep going.It's okay on carpets but is not like a traditional Hoover designed to collect pet hair. It doesn't pick up as much fluff and I did have to use an vital hooover to go over itConsNow then, this was the clincher for me: it will not clean your stairs properly. Not in a terrace house like mine anyway. There is no way it can reach into the corners which is predictable clearly, based on its shape but does highlight that thus is more a fun product to make kinds slightly easier but cannot do the job in its entirety that a normal Hoover can doAlso: BEWARE: a friend of mine with a dog cane home to find that this little machine had smeared dog faeces throughout the house as it had been left switched on and it had attempted to clean!!This is easy to use, set up, minimal instructions etc and is really a delight to use, but have it in conjunction with a normal vacuum also

Bezerus Bezby
  • 11 Jul 2017, Tue
Ineffective on carpet, average on hard floors
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

HOW IT WORKSIt's simple to set up, takes just under 5 hours to charge via the supplied wall plug. Once charged you just press the button for either a short cycle (20 mins) or a long cycle (60 mins).You need to close the door to the room or place an obstacle to stop it from making a bid for freedom from the place you want to clean.When you initially put it down it starts off going round in an outwards expanding circle. For this reason it's quite effective in large clear spaces. Once it hits something it adjusts its path and starts going in straight lines.PERFORMANCE1) ON CARPETIt's almost completely useless on our short pile wool-mix carpet. The wheel ends up rotating in one spot and when it does move it makes horrible untidy lines in the carpet and will wear it out if used too much.It picked up barely anything in a 20 minute cycle in our bedroom, which has a lot of easily accessible clear floor space.I only let it loose on our carpet once as its new and I was worried about it damaging it.We have 50% hard floors (varnished floorboards) so here's how it performed there...2) ON HARD FLOORSThe suction is by no means strong and it cannot in any way be compared to our usual Miele vacuum. It just collects some bits and pieces, loose cat fur and crumbs.It's more like the effect you'd get using a dustpan and brush. If there is ever any dust/dirt in the gaps between the floorboards it won't get this at all, it's just pieces right on the surface that it grabs.It's noisy but you're able to hold a conversation over it so quieter than a regular vacuum.Due to its design / size and the way it works it doesn't really get nooks & crannies, or right up to the edge of skirting boards (where all the main crumbs / dust is in our kitchen) though it will fully go under any cabinet which is high enough and make its way back out.Although I would remove heavy pile rugs etc. it also doesn't like anything on the floor e.g. Low profile mat. Sometimes goes over things like this and sometimes gets a bit mashed up and stops. It also isn't great

  • 05 Jul 2017, Wed
A bit of an expensive novelty that is fun but not all that effective at cleaning our rooms
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Although we tried to get on with this Vileda VR101 Cleaning Robotic Vacuum Cleaner it is not really a practical cleaning solution for the majority of rooms. This small cleaner from the well established German housewares brand Vileda is well made and in an empty room it may well get down to business fairly effectively – but in a normally furnished room it does rather struggle. It will run around for either twenty minutes or an hour, depending on the programme selected, and it is suitable for use on all hard floor types and short pile carpets of up to 1 cm in length – we found it's “sweep and vacuum” operation to work better on our solid kitchen floor than anywhere else. There is no doubt that the Vileda VR101 is a fun product to use and kids may well be inspired to help with the housework if using it. However at around one hundred and fifty pounds currently from Amazon it is facing stiff competition from “proper” vacuum cleaners and our Vax Arrow rechargeable cleaner currently costs ten pounds less and gives much better results. If you live a minimalistic lifestyle with open-plan rooms and very little clutter then the Vileda VR101 may work for you – but I expect it will be featured more in online videos with a cat riding on it than actually doing very much cleaning. Not recommended to the majority of households but may suit a certain minority.

James B. Spink

Product Description

The Vileda VR101 Cleaning Robot is designed to sweep and vacuum dust and particles from hard floors and short pile carpets to help you keep on top of the cleaning. Featuring two cleaning programs, cliff sensors to avoid falling down stairs, a washable dust bin, vacuum power and corner and centre brushes to make cleaning floors easier. The VR101 is suitable for all hard floor types and short pile carpets up to 1 cm. It has two cleaning programs; a full 60-minute program and a 20-minute program for smaller spaces. The VR101 is equipped with cliff sensors to avoid stairs and has a rechargeable lithium-ion battery with up to 60-minutes of run time. Removable and washable dust bin. Extra filter and maintenance brush included.

Box Contains

1 x Vileda Robot VR 101
1 x Power Supply
1 x Maintenance Brush
1 x Filter
1 x Manual

Brand Vileda
Model Number152200
Item Weight2.86 Kg
Package Dimensions36.2 x 36.2 x 13.6 cm
Power / Wattage23 watts
Voltage11 volts
Auto ShutoffNo
Noise Level65 dB
Special Featurescordless