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Melitta Caffeo CI

  • 599,00 £ / Cheapest Price on Internet

Brand: Melitta
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(Melitta Caffeo CI)
  • 01 Aug 2019, Thu
mine is noisy
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I bought a Mellita ‘bean to cup’ coffee maker. It is now 4 months old and I feel it has become increasingly noisy – with a rattle developing. It has been back for repair twice and there is no improvement, if anything I think it is worse after the last repair.The customer service advice is that they will not do anything more and say ‘you could place a mat under the machine to stop any vibration on your surface’This appears to me to be an acknowledgment that they know it rattles and that is the best they can offer. It makes great coffee but I really can not recommend this maker based on the customer service I have received.

d j conaty
  • 28 Mar 2019, Thu
Very good machine but take your time to get the right beans and settings
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I love strong, full bodied espressos (30ml) with rich crema (Italian coffee shop style) and always wanted to get a machine that can deliver that quality at home. I knew that I need to get an automatic machine as my partner is not even a coffee drinker but wants to treat our guests to a nice coffee. She definitely would have the interest, patience and skills for a manual barista style machine. So knowing my budget I've done tons of hours of research and found Mellita Caffeo CI.I went to a local coffee roaster and got fresh Colombian beans (€10/250g bag), machine arrived, gave it a go and blah - sour weak espresso came out. I was very disappointed and started the return process.Then I went online and started reading about bean types, grinder settings, water temperature etc... Got new espresso beans, different type, even cheaper (€5/250g bag), changed the grinder to the finest setting and the temperature to high. And it made a massive difference! Now I'm getting my Italian style espresso at home! It's fantastic.So my advice is to do your research about what goes into your favourite coffee - identify your favourite style/taste, experiment, test and you'll get there. Just be patient.Since I got the espresso right I can start playing with milky coffee now.


  • 28 Dec 2018, Fri
Should have got one ages ago!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I love this machine, i have had it around 2 months and made over 500 cups of coffee now. It is very easy to maintain and keep clean and makes lovely coffee at the touch of the button.

K. Gibbs
  • 23 Oct 2018, Tue
Broke down after 800 cups
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I'll start with the good points.1. I really like the coffee that this machine makes, especially the milk based ones. There are also loads of settings that you can use to get the brew just right.2. Yes, like other reviews you have to empty the drip tray and fill the water tank regularly but that's the price you'll pay for a system that cleans itself regularly.3. I like the milk container and the self cleaning the system performs after a milk brew.4. I like that you can do two milk based drinks at the same time.Now for the bad points1. Its noisy, but this is my first bean to cup, so that's probably just normal.2. It takes a while to get going, but as above, this is my first bean to cup and I have no comparison.3. I've had the machine for less than a year and after only 800 cups, it started to leak.4. Amazon very kindly offered a full refund, but I got the machine during black Friday last November so couldn't have got a comparable machine for the same amount of money. I opted for a repair with Melitta, which is where things went from bad to worse. Melitta collected the machine promptly however it was over three weeks and several calls later that I got the machine back. The machine is still broken (with the addition of scratches from the repair) and Melitta were unable to offer a replacement (only another repair). I got a refund from Amazon in the end. I don't entirely blame Melitta, who were always very courteous and called me back promptly. As I understand it, it was their third party repair service who were not able to get the parts from Germany or do a satisfactory repair.Given the price of the machine, it is something I would expect to get repaired way into the future. Maybe I just had bad luck, but I would have expected the repair process to be considerably better, which is why I don't think I could recommend the machine (however much I like it and the coffee it made).

  • 07 May 2018, Mon
what an amazing machine
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

If you love coffee its well worth purchasing one of theseA fabulous machine, you can set individual setting for your favourite coffeeSo easy to useI wish I had purchased one ages ago

  • 03 May 2018, Thu
Five Stars
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Excellent - makes coffee the way I like it and easy to clean

John Thomas
  • 14 Mar 2018, Wed
Nice Coffee
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Good Quality, good surface feel! Espresso and Cappuccino tastes great! The only thing I don’t like is the maintenance flap. Difficult to place back! Overall a good Quality for this price category!

  • 31 Jan 2018, Wed
Great coffee but a lot of maintenance and not working in 5 months only.
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Fourth impression: I now bouth a Delonghi Primmadonna DeLonghi ESAM 6900.M . Bad ass, double boiler, double the price top of the range machine... and is not much better than this Melitta. by comparison: The Melitta still requires a lot more water and cleaning. I preffer the coffe of the Melitta. The milk temperature of the Melutta is better. The double boiler only shaves 20 seconds on the speed to prepare a cappuccino. ( 2m20 from cold instead of 2m40). The interface of the Delonghi is prettier, but Melitta's is easier to use... The alarms and cleaning process of the melitta are better. So this Melitta is a lot of machine for the money.Third Impression: Not so great the fact that it stopped working after 5 months. Amazon service made up for it by accepting a return.Second Impression: Despite the good coffee, the amount of maintenance is exhausting, is continuously giving problems and pouring half the coffee in the cup, half in the inner tray. (I have water softener and do regular intensive cleaning and descaling... not enough)First Impression:Great coffee, not so good usability. I wanted to get an automatic coffee machine that could do milk, to avoid doing the froth myself and having to move the cup from coffee side to milk froth side. The alternative it replaces was a nesspresso with milk container.The good bits:The coffee is just fantastic, either in the preset modes, that are easy to use and adjust for a single time and make it fuss free to get what you want. You can also save profiles to adapt the coffees in the memory. ( You don’t save Coffe n1 and n2, you save, user 1, likes expresso this way, long this way, cappuccino this way, etc. ) On each section you adapt, amount of coffee, foam, milk strength and temperature. It’s great.I love that you get the use grind in one container, so it’s a task less for each coffee. In my case I use it for compost and it’s the main advantage vs the Nespresso, it feels a lot more eco friendly since you are not generating a Ton of garbage on used pods.The milk container

Feed back
  • 12 Jan 2018, Fri
Brilliant coffee every time!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

After a fair bit of searching about I decided to purchase this as replacement to our old faithful Gaggia Platinum Swing Up which finally packed in after four years. As other reviewers have said, this is a fantastic coffee machine! It really does make a brilliant cup of coffee and with the ability to tailor your coffee to 4 people in the house it makes your coffee the way you like it. No complaints yet, but we've only had it a few weeks.

  • 11 Jan 2018, Thu
Fast and efficient, much better than capsules
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Fast, efficient and fuss free...Makes decent coffee and easy to use...Not coffee shop standard but better than cheaper espresso machines, and no comparison to capsules...

  • 05 Jan 2018, Fri
Great coffee machine
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

It replaced another bean-to-cup coffee machine and this is much much better.The adjustments you have are:- Fine-coarse ground (lever at the back).- Coffee strength (menu on the front).- Coffee temperature (menu at the front).- Coffee quantity (menu at the front).- Milk/froth quantity (menu at the front).It has 4 memory settings for "My coffee" where you can save each person's name and coffee strength, temperature, quantity, milk/froth quantity (where relevant) for each coffee type. This means that each family member can have their favourite setting for espresso, caffe crema, cappuccino, latte macchiato, milk and milk-froth.Bought it on Black Friday deal and it was great value for money.

Yiannis Costopoulos
  • 07 Dec 2017, Thu
Best purchase I’ve made in a week!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I love this machine. I’ve upgraded from a nespresso, although, that’s probably the wrong phrase...yes, nespresso isn’t true espresso and there’s lots to be snobby about, but it is still a very good product and easily accessible - just a lot more expensive per drink than ground coffee machines or b2c...

Anyhow, enough digression, I just wanted to give a reference point to the review for anybody who is looking at this machine from a pod system.

This machine makes lovely coffee drinks at the press of a button. And if you can’t see the button for the coffee that you like to drink, you can make your own recipe up, whatever strength, amount of coffee / milk or foam and even control the temperature.

I like flat white - 50/50 espresso and hot milk. There’s no button for that coffee, so I make a recipe up, use the preset memory and I’m away.

If you want a double size drink or to make 2 drinks at the same time, just press the x2 button and job done.

The major difference between this and the nespresso machines is the amount of cleaning required. I used to put all the nespresso milk prep gear in the dishwasher, but with this machine there’s a dedicated milk cleaning solution that will cost about a £1 / week (£5 / 5 x weekly cycles) and then there’s anti calc fluid (same as other machines) and then some detergent tablets that the machine chomps to clean the mechanism etc, so be prepared for these costs of the consumables.

I bought this machine on offer for £450 and it was a choice between this and the sage barista machine for £500 and I’m glad I went for this one. I’m sure there would be plenty of maintenance and cleaning involved with that one too, along with a steep learning curve to making great coffee, which unfortunately as I live in a busy real world don’t have time to partake in. I love coffee and I want to choose my own rare beans etc, but I also want an easy life, so bean to cup is the way forwards.

Add this machine to your wish list and keep an eye on the price as

  • 07 Dec 2017, Thu
Best purchase I’ve made in a week!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I love this machine. I’ve upgraded from a nespresso, although, that’s probably the wrong phrase...yes, nespresso isn’t true espresso and there’s lots to be snobby about, but it is still a very good product and easily accessible - just a lot more expensive per drink than ground coffee machines or b2c...Anyhow, enough digression, I just wanted to give a reference point to the review for anybody who is looking at this machine from a pod system.This machine makes lovely coffee drinks at the press of a button. And if you can’t see the button for the coffee that you like to drink, you can make your own recipe up, whatever strength, amount of coffee / milk or foam and even control the temperature.I like flat white - 50/50 espresso and hot milk. There’s no button for that coffee, so I make a recipe up, use the preset memory and I’m away.If you want a double size drink or to make 2 drinks at the same time, just press the x2 button and job done.The major difference between this and the nespresso machines is the amount of cleaning required. I used to put all the nespresso milk prep gear in the dishwasher, but with this machine there’s a dedicated milk cleaning solution that will cost about a £1 / week (£5 / 5 x weekly cycles) and then there’s anti calc fluid (same as other machines) and then some detergent tablets that the machine chomps to clean the mechanism etc, so be prepared for these costs of the consumables.I bought this machine on offer for £450 and it was a choice between this and the sage barista machine for £500 and I’m glad I went for this one. I’m sure there would be plenty of maintenance and cleaning involved with that one too, along with a steep learning curve to making great coffee, which unfortunately as I live in a busy real world don’t have time to partake in. I love coffee and I want to choose my own rare beans etc, but I also want an easy life, so bean to cup is the way forwards.Add this machine to your wish list and keep an eye on the price as it fluctuates dramatically and buy it when it seems like


  • 24 Sep 2017, Sun
Melitta barista cafe Ci bean to cup
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Bought this machine from amazon in July after sending back the Krups top end machine with the retractable wand which was leaking underneath on arrival even though it said it had been checked before sending out by week to it was over boiling the milk as well. Touch wood I've had no problems with this Melitta I love it you can adjust the milk , strength of shot how much water in the shot etc and store it with the my option with your name . The only slight problem I've had now and again is occasionally the beans don't feed into the grinder this is easily remedied by lifting the lid where you place the beans and gently moving the beans with your finger; it doesn't happen very often and is not a fault with the machine just too many beans over the feeder. I would recommend this machine as I have four sons and spouse who use the machine frequently throughout the day and its still working perfectly

Joanna L. Ryan
  • 11 Aug 2017, Fri
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Absolutely excellent, as others have said the drip tray is small but that does mean you empty it regularly and keep it fresh. The ability to vary the coffee to your taste is easy I just haven't quite found my ideal yet.

  • 30 Apr 2017, Sun
It's worth paying for the quality.
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

It's excellent. Worth paying for a good-quality make like Melitta.

Happy Chappie
  • 17 Jan 2017, Tue
I love this machine!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

In short, a great bean to cup machine that has proven to be totally reliable since I purchased it in July 2016.

Background: happily drank instant coffee for years and enjoyed visits to Starbucks and Costa Coffee for treats. Decided to enter the world of having nice coffee at home and purchased a bean to cup machine from a reputable brand that entered the market a couple of years ago. Alas, great coffee but it kept breaking down. I received a refund and held back from buying another. Then this machine appeared in Amazon Prime day and I decided to try again.

This machine is a pleasure to use. It makes espresso, long black coffee, cappuccino and latté. Key to me is how it handles the milk based drinks, which is fully automatic and with an easy clean system that works well.

Things I am especially pleased about:
- great tasting coffee
- it works without fail
- fast start from cold
- really easy to adjust to your taste
- maintenance is a breeze and it guides you all the way

A really nice touch is that there is a roller under the back of the machine. This means you can slide the machine under a worktop cupboard. When you want to refill the water tank at the side, or add more coffee beans at the top, or clean the brewing unit on the other side, you simply lift the front a little and it rolls forward. Genius.

I find the frequency of filling the water tank and emptying the drip tray is just right and never a chore or disappointment. It helps reduce drip tray emptying if you place a cup under the nozzles at the front when rinsing on startup or doing easy cleaning. If you have latte or cappuccino, the machine suggests easy cleaning when you've finished your run. It then rinses the milk unit and cleverly flushes steam through the milk inlet pipe.

I'm really happy with this machine. It would be nice if it did flat white as well but that would mean spending even more money and I would never have made the purchase.

  • 17 Jan 2017, Tue
I love this machine!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

In short, a great bean to cup machine that has proven to be totally reliable since I purchased it in July 2016.Background: happily drank instant coffee for years and enjoyed visits to Starbucks and Costa Coffee for treats. Decided to enter the world of having nice coffee at home and purchased a bean to cup machine from a reputable brand that entered the market a couple of years ago. Alas, great coffee but it kept breaking down. I received a refund and held back from buying another. Then this machine appeared in Amazon Prime day and I decided to try again.This machine is a pleasure to use. It makes espresso, long black coffee, cappuccino and latté. Key to me is how it handles the milk based drinks, which is fully automatic and with an easy clean system that works well.Things I am especially pleased about:- great tasting coffee- it works without fail- fast start from cold- really easy to adjust to your taste- maintenance is a breeze and it guides you all the wayA really nice touch is that there is a roller under the back of the machine. This means you can slide the machine under a worktop cupboard. When you want to refill the water tank at the side, or add more coffee beans at the top, or clean the brewing unit on the other side, you simply lift the front a little and it rolls forward. Genius.I find the frequency of filling the water tank and emptying the drip tray is just right and never a chore or disappointment. It helps reduce drip tray emptying if you place a cup under the nozzles at the front when rinsing on startup or doing easy cleaning. If you have latte or cappuccino, the machine suggests easy cleaning when you've finished your run. It then rinses the milk unit and cleverly flushes steam through the milk inlet pipe.I'm really happy with this machine. It would be nice if it did flat white as well but that would mean spending even more money and I would never have made the purchase.

  • 13 Dec 2016, Tue
Wish I'd spent more time thinking about this purchase. ...
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Wish I'd spent more time thinking about this purchase. The tray needs emptying constantly and the water filling up. Both are to small a capacity

Amazon Customer
  • 26 Oct 2016, Wed
Five Stars
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Thank you!!

Rosen Andonov

Product Description

We have stood for coffee pleasure since Melitta Bentz invented the first coffee filter in 1908, thereby laying the foundation for the modern coffee enjoyment. This coffee pleasure was then and is now our inspiration to always offer the best quality and unique coffee enjoyment with competence, inventiveness and a love of the product.

Box Contains

1 x Melitta Caffeo CI One-touch coffee maker in black

From the manufacturer

Be Your Own Barista with the Caffeo CI One-Touch

Bean-to-Cup Coffee Machine Accommodates Individual Preference

With its 2-chamber Bean Select system and its flexibility to additionally prepare pre-ground coffee, the user-friendly Caffeo CI One-Touch moves swiftly in its mission to optimally extract both flavour and aroma. This fully-automatic bean-to-cup coffee machine offers 3 brew temperatures, 4 strength levels, and a double-cup option for simultaneous arrival of two drinks. Its "My Coffee" memory-feature stores up to four personal preferences, and the option to rotate between Espresso, Cappuccino and Latte Macchiato (among others) offers a feeling of an Italian cafe within the comfort your own home or office. With its smooth surface, refined design structure and push-button cleaning components, it is well within your reach to maintain the pristine integrity of this innovative and long-lasting Melitta coffee maker.

Melitta: Pioneers of Coffee Industry Since 1908

Melitta has led the coffee industry since 1908, when founder Melitta Bentz made the world's first paper filter bags. Now 20 billion filter bags are used world-wide on a yearly basis, and this conscientious German organisation continues to lead the way in coffee-related innovation.

From the best filter makers and fully automatic bean-to-cup machines to useful accessories for the pour-over hand-filtration method, the Melitta brand continues to design and retail coffee products of the utmost quality.

At a glance:
Coffee at the touch of a button with preferences pre-programmed Energy-efficiency thanks to LED lights, shut down and stand-by modes Espresso or cappuccino available with 3 brew temperatures and 4 coffee strengths 2-chamber bean container to alternate bean-source Convenience of milk system, height adjustable spout, dual-cup pour, cup warmer and removable tank Easy to transport Designed in Germany

Manual bean select

To perfectly prepare a variety of coffee specialities you need a selection of different coffee beans. This is why the CI has a two-chamber bean container 'Bean Select'. Whether you would like a café crème in the morning or an Espresso after dinner: by simply switching between fine mild coffee beans or aromatic strong espresso beans in the separate chambers you get the right coffee beans for your favourite coffee. The additional ground coffee chute also allows you to use pre-ground coffee.

My Coffee Memory

You don't want to have to set your personal coffee preferences each time you want a coffee? You don't need to. With the 'My Coffee Memory' feature, you can set your favourite coffee specialities individually. Whether you would like a small strong espresso or a wonderfully creamy latte macchiato with lots of frothed milk, the Melitta CI remembers the personal settings for up to four people.

Intuitive to use

Thanks to the easy to understand menu, the text display and the 'Rotary Switch' dial it is child's play to navigate through the menu. With the 'Double Cup Mode' (2-cup feature) you can prepare all coffee specialities, with or without milk, for two people at once.

Easy to clean and maintain

As well as the simple to remove brewing unit, you can also remove the milk system for easy cleaning. The milk container is even dishwasher safe. With 'Easy Steam Cleaning' you can use hot water and steam to quickly and hygienically clean the parts in contact with milk each time they are used.

Purista SOLO and Perfect Milk SOLO & Perfect Milk Caffeo CI One Touch Varianza CS Barista TS Melitta Companion App ✓ - - - ✓ - Double-Cup Mode ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Number of Pre-Programmed Recipes 2 Specialties 2 Classic Specialties + 2 Classic Specialties + 4 Classic Specialties + 10 Specialties 21 Specialties Height Adjustable Coffee Outlet ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - Adjustable Coffee Intensity 3 Settings 3 Settings 3 Settings 4 Settings 5 Settings 5 Settings
Filter Cartridge Liquid Descaler Milk System Cleaner 2 Lungo Coffee Glasses Insulated Coffee Mug Anti-Calc Descaler Tabs Description Filter cartridge for preserving the taste of the coffee and your machine, Ideal for freshly filtered water at each preparation, Easy insertion: screw the filter into the bottom of the water tank, Without altering the taste of the coffee Liquid cleaner thoroughly removes all limescale deposits, Regular cleaning helps keep your coffee machine fresh and energy efficient, Optimise your coffee pleasure and ensure your coffee machine has a long and happy life Liquid cleaner gently removes milk deposits through the system, Regular cleaning helps keep your milk system fresh and energy efficient 2 glasses for Lungo coffee made of borosilicate glass (Height 11 cm), Double insulating wall and anti-burn, Capacity 200 ml, Microwave safe, Dishwasher safe 100% airtight insulated mug 350 ml, Silicone anti-slip handle, Preserves warm temperature for 2 hours, Dishwasher safe Proper care of your appliances includes regular descaling, Recommended descaling of your filter coffee machine once every month or after 40 uses
Brand Melitta
Model NumberE970-103
Item Weight9.78 Kg
Product Dimensions39.5 x 42.5 x 57.5 cm
Capacity1.8 litres
Volume Capacity1.2 litres
Power / Wattage1500 watts
Voltage240 volts
Iron & Steam Pressure15 bar
Auto ShutoffNo
Special FeaturesMilk_Frother, Removable_Tank, Programmable, Thermal, Water_Filter, cup warmer, integrated coffee grinder