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Gaggia Accademia

  • 1.250,00 £ / Cheapest Price on Internet

Brand: Gaggia
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(Gaggia Accademia)
  • 30 Apr 2018, Mon
Perfect coffee
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I purchased a secondhand unit. It was not working. No water was coming through due to limescale. I found the physical blockage on a boiler unit and cleared it, descaled it and hey presto it was working!

I have also had to change the larger vibratory pump more recently, since doing this the machine has operated better than ever.

My opinion is that this machine is difficult to beat. If you like your milky coffee really hot heat a mug full of coffe in the microwave first, I did this for a while but found it to hot to drink. I dont like scalding coffee so as it comes it is perfect to drink, but not stand to get colder.

The tank does need filling often but it takes about three pints and 30 seconds to fill. The drip tray I have to empty roughly every 4 coffees but again this is quick and easy to do.

Good solid italian engineering at its best, this machine is 6 years old and going really strong. Descale it once every few months and it will last for ever!!

Jon Maine
  • 30 Apr 2018, Mon
Perfect coffee
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I purchased a secondhand unit. It was not working. No water was coming through due to limescale. I found the physical blockage on a boiler unit and cleared it, descaled it and hey presto it was working!I have also had to change the larger vibratory pump more recently, since doing this the machine has operated better than ever.My opinion is that this machine is difficult to beat. If you like your milky coffee really hot heat a mug full of coffe in the microwave first, I did this for a while but found it to hot to drink. I dont like scalding coffee so as it comes it is perfect to drink, but not stand to get colder.The tank does need filling often but it takes about three pints and 30 seconds to fill. The drip tray I have to empty roughly every 4 coffees but again this is quick and easy to do.Good solid italian engineering at its best, this machine is 6 years old and going really strong. Descale it once every few months and it will last for ever!!

Jon Maine

  • 17 Jul 2016, Sun
Italian engineering and great coffee!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

If you like Italian engineering then this is the machine for you! I have been a Gaggis customer for 10 years and have had several 'bean to cup' automatic coffee machines. Without doubt, the Gaggia Accademia is the best by far.It delivers quality coffee exactly to your specific requirements and is self-cleaning. It has a 'proper' steam wand as well as an automatic Cappuccino programme so you can choose to be a Barrista or take the easy routeSure, it has it's foibles like anything from Italy, but not only does it look super in the kitchen it sparks joy every time I use it.Be sure to take the time to understand how it works and you will not be disappointed.

Mr. P. R. Spencer
  • 04 Apr 2016, Mon
the milk goes bad within one day back in the fridge
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I've been using this machine for over a year and have not had any problems with it not working properly, however I have several complaints. 1) The first problem is it is impossible to get a truly hot drink out of it without using the steaming wand. Even when fully heated, everything is luke warm. 2) Another issue is they boast the automatic cleaning of the milk carafe as a plus, but even it isn't suppose to, it seems to blow hot steam down into the carafe & the milk goes bad within one day back in the fridge. 3) I am a single person who literally drinks one cappuccino and one espresso a day and it makes me empty the dredge & water tray every other use, and the water tank is small and it seems I am constantly having to refill it. 4) Last, and the most important issue I have with it is IT IS ALWAYS BITTER. ( I use Jamaica Blue Mountain or Kona, but have tried others in it). It is clean, and I have tried every temperature option, drip, grind & flow option I can find with no luck at a better tasting cup. low temperature AND bitter is just too much to take. I love the convenience of this, especially the wand, too bad it won't make a good cup of coffee :(

  • 31 Mar 2015, Tue
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I was very sceptical before purchasing this product due to the reviews listed on both the amazon UK and amazon US websites, but i am pleased to say after receiving and testing the product it certainly did not disappoint! Its certainly an improvement from my old gaggia cubica manual espresso machine.

Firstly the reviews mention the water tank not being very big, this isn't wrong but do you really want gallons of water sitting in the machine for long periods of time doing nothing other than going stale? fresher water is better coffee.

Secondly people say the machine makes you constantly empty the drip trays and internal coffee dump box, i have to say that its not as constant as people mention in some reviews but in a sense i think this is good because it means dirty water and used coffee isn't sitting inside of the machine for a long time causing bad smells and hygiene issues.

Thirdly people mention that the machine does not create a very hot drink. This is also untrue depending wether you like your mouth scalded when drinking a coffee. The milk drinks aren't scalding but are hot enough to drink straight off the book the coffee beverages are nearly so hot you cant drink them buts thats my opinion.


1) let the machine do its full warm up and rinse cycle.
2) PRE HEAT YOUR CUP (hot milk into a cold cup means cold drink!!)
2a) THE HOT WATER IS PROGRAMMABLE BY VOLUME (so set it to put out just enough to half fill your favourite mug to give it a bit of initial heat before the drink despenses)
3) Go into the beverage settings for each drink and set the coffee temperature to "MAX" this will add temperature to the milk.

OVERALL the machine does what it says on the tin, cleans and looks after itself with minimum input from the user besides adding water and beans occasionally and emptying the drip trays and internal coffee dump bin when prompted. im glad i ignored some of the reviews and brought this product its definitely worth the money! can

Jack Eyley
  • 31 Mar 2015, Tue
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I was very sceptical before purchasing this product due to the reviews listed on both the amazon UK and amazon US websites, but i am pleased to say after receiving and testing the product it certainly did not disappoint! Its certainly an improvement from my old gaggia cubica manual espresso machine.Firstly the reviews mention the water tank not being very big, this isn't wrong but do you really want gallons of water sitting in the machine for long periods of time doing nothing other than going stale? fresher water is better coffee.Secondly people say the machine makes you constantly empty the drip trays and internal coffee dump box, i have to say that its not as constant as people mention in some reviews but in a sense i think this is good because it means dirty water and used coffee isn't sitting inside of the machine for a long time causing bad smells and hygiene issues.Thirdly people mention that the machine does not create a very hot drink. This is also untrue depending wether you like your mouth scalded when drinking a coffee. The milk drinks aren't scalding but are hot enough to drink straight off the book the coffee beverages are nearly so hot you cant drink them buts thats my opinion.TIPS FOR ACHIEVING A "HOT" DRINK:1) let the machine do its full warm up and rinse cycle.2) PRE HEAT YOUR CUP (hot milk into a cold cup means cold drink!!)2a) THE HOT WATER IS PROGRAMMABLE BY VOLUME (so set it to put out just enough to half fill your favourite mug to give it a bit of initial heat before the drink despenses)3) Go into the beverage settings for each drink and set the coffee temperature to "MAX" this will add temperature to the milk.OVERALL the machine does what it says on the tin, cleans and looks after itself with minimum input from the user besides adding water and beans occasionally and emptying the drip trays and internal coffee dump bin when prompted. im glad i ignored some of the reviews and brought this product its definitely worth the money! cannot fault it.P.S It looks gorgeous on my kitchen counter!!

Jack Eyley
  • 18 Mar 2015, Wed
but given the abuse it gets that is pretty good given it is not intended for industrial use
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

We have used this machine in a 30 person office for three years. It has broken down twice, but given the abuse it gets that is pretty good given it is not intended for industrial use. Some of the parts are not capable of withstanding heavy handed in the office environment. Would I buy it again? Well I think it probably needs to be replaced soon, and I wouldn't hestitate buying another one.

Vicious Hippo
  • 29 Jan 2015, Thu
Coffee House
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I've had this machine for 7 months and it makes a consistent mug of coffee/Latte/Cappuccino time after time. Before buying I read all the reviews and the biggest complaint was the temperature of the coffee. This is not instant coffee where you use boiling water from the kettle but the real McCoy and the solution is so simple. I purchased tall glass Latte mugs and before making the coffee I boil a kettle and fill the mugs with hot water and let them stand for a while, result hot coffee or you can use the steam wand. The only slight downside is the internal drip tray, after two mugs it needs emptying, maybe this is something Gaggia could address in designing future machines. One thing more that impressed me was the build, the machine is so robust. All in all a professional looking and consistent machine.

  • 28 Dec 2013, Sat
Like many other reviewers, I have to say, it simply doesn't work
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

tl;dr - Do not purchase this item, it will leave you with a bitter taste in your mouth, and nearly inevitable hassle to return it.There are a litany of other reviews on Amazon about this machine being unreliable, or even not working out of the box.I bought the machine because I felt a significant amount of 'Reviewers Bias' may be involved, or explained more plainly, the desire for someone to leave feedback after a bad experience being more compelling than after a positive experience, compounded by the expense of the purchase.I'm sorry to say that despite my faith, my experience was left wanting.Despite the Quick Start Guide clearly saying a water filter should be included with the unit, none was located in the box.Despite reviews on YouTube showing a fairly cool 'sling' made from plastic to lift the heavy item out of its cardboard coffin, that wasn't present.Then to put a cherry on the ice cream sandwich, when we followed the instructions to assemble, and started up the unit with water and coffee in the repositories, we are presented with an inexplicable error - a maintenance icon with E05 (like many others) and the only help the manual provides is to say, "Turn it off for 30 seconds, turn it back on, if that doesn't work please call our service centre".We're going to return this to Amazon for a full refund. I'm sure if yours works, it makes fantastic coffee, but just like an older Italian sportscar, reliability is clearly a major issue and given the cost of this super-automatic machine, well...

Rogue Spaniel
  • 27 Sep 2013, Fri
not happy
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

fab coffee every time, But water tank and drip tray to small have to m/t and fill water tank twice a day.only two coffee drinkers in house .

adam francis
  • 24 Apr 2013, Wed
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I have just had my machine. I have settings on the hottest but and big but I can not get hot coffee from the machine. You can drink your coffee straight up. No chance of sipping hot coffee very disappointed. My family mad because I spent such a lot of money. Do Gaggiaread theses revues I bet they don't.

  • 25 Mar 2013, Mon
A good little workhorse
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

There's quite a few one star reviews of this machine, but they seem to relate to being not working right out of the box. There is some work to be done to get the machine set up for the first time, but once you've done that, this machine seems to be unstoppable.
We've used it to serve way more coffees than it is classed for--we've done about 10,000 coffees (split amongst the various types) in the 6 months we've had this machine. I've posted a picture of the cycle counters in the user images.

It has only error'ed on us once: a "water priming circuit" failure message. This was a completely blocked boiler problem that was not prevented by using the descaling cycle regularly with the gaggia descaler; we've switched to a third-party descaler and all seems well again. Working on this machine was a dream--it is very easy to disassemble, and all parts are labelled well, including voltages.

My only complaint is that the drip tray fills up rapidly, so you end up emptying it very often. Otherwise, a good little workhorse.

  • 25 Mar 2013, Mon
A good little workhorse
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

There's quite a few one star reviews of this machine, but they seem to relate to being not working right out of the box. There is some work to be done to get the machine set up for the first time, but once you've done that, this machine seems to be unstoppable.We've used it to serve way more coffees than it is classed for--we've done about 10,000 coffees (split amongst the various types) in the 6 months we've had this machine. I've posted a picture of the cycle counters in the user images.It has only error'ed on us once: a "water priming circuit" failure message. This was a completely blocked boiler problem that was not prevented by using the descaling cycle regularly with the gaggia descaler; we've switched to a third-party descaler and all seems well again. Working on this machine was a dream--it is very easy to disassemble, and all parts are labelled well, including voltages.My only complaint is that the drip tray fills up rapidly, so you end up emptying it very often. Otherwise, a good little workhorse.


  • 21 Mar 2013, Thu
Very pleased with this machine and the coffee it makes
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

We finally settled on this machine because, although it is automatic, it can be programmed to suit your taste - stronger coffee, longer brewing, hotter water etc. We use good Arabica coffee beans and generally make cappuccino or espresso - both excellent every time. The milk dispenser is a useful feature, although for large quantities of milk (latte machiato or just milk on its own) it needs to be whizzed up to a higher temperature with the steam wand - not difficult. The machine communicates well via the screen when it wants to be emptied or filled. The only slight criticism is the size of the water tank. The water is used not only for making coffee but also to clean the machine automatically, so it needs refilling fairly often. Everything has always worked perfectly and we're very pleased with this purchase.

  • 18 Jan 2013, Fri
Espresso Coffee Machine
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Excellent item, came on time and has been used now for some time. The machine was meant for use in the house but was too large so we use it in our office kitchen.

Iain Mair
  • 16 Sep 2012, Sun
Nearly perfect
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

This is a top of the range machine in terms of cost and its four star rating reflects that. Overall, it's terrific with more adjustments to coffee taste than you'll ever need. You can also adjust the temperature of the coffee (but not the milk) and on its highest setting, it's scalding. Given some of the comments on the heat of the end product in other reviews, I set up the machine to give maximum temperature and got a burnt tongue for my pains!Set up is menu driven and very easy. For each type of coffee, the amount of coffee, the strength of brew, the amount of both water and milk and the length of prebrewing are all adjustable, so it's possible to fine tune the coffee to your own taste.For cappuccino and latte macchiato (which is what we usually call cafe latte), the milk carafe can be connected. This offers a thick foam in seconds, making a delicious drink - and it automatically cleans the pipes afterwards. When finished, just disconnect the milk carafe and put it in the fridge until next time, as long as you wash it out every couple of days or so.The coffee is hot enough to carry off the milk and still provide a hot drink. As I said above, I didn't need to use the max coffee temperature setting to get a decent drink - and I can't abide lukewarm coffee. However if using the latte setting, which just provides frothed milk, the end product could not be described as hot by any stretch of the imagination. If making hot chocolate for example, you'd need to use the steam wand to to heat it to an acceptable temperature. It's this that moves it from a five star to a four star rating.The only other niggle is that the water tank could be bigger but it's not a reason not to purchase.Overall, it makes great coffee, which is the reason for buying it in the first place!By the way, when I bought mine (Sept 2012), it was just under £1000 but the best Amazon price was £1284, so shop around.

Phil C
  • 14 Jul 2012, Sat
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Absolutely amazing coffee machine.

Bought it yesterday and it's so easy to set up and use. So far, the coffee is perfect.
If you want to change the temperature, strength, quantity etc, it can be done at the press of a button.

Don't let the negative reviews put you off

  • 14 Jul 2012, Sat
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Absolutely amazing coffee machine.Bought it yesterday and it's so easy to set up and use. So far, the coffee is perfect.If you want to change the temperature, strength, quantity etc, it can be done at the press of a button.Don't let the negative reviews put you off

  • 08 Apr 2012, Sun
Excellent machine
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I have seen and red the previous reviews and all of them were negative. Then I went to amazon.com (American) and it was a mixed bag.I decided to give it try because it is as good as the Saeco xelsis but at a much cheaper price and If I do not like it I will returne.And I am glad I did choose it because it makes on of the best coffee ever.And it is hot not cold as some people saidI really like this machine

A. Aleid
  • 07 Mar 2012, Wed
Beautiful to behold and simple to use - perfect coffee.
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I have to disagree with all the reviewers who went before - this machine is almost perfect for the coffee loving home.Delivery was about 20 hours after ordering, set up took about 30 minutes and the machine delivered the first of many coffees with the minimum of fuss. It's so easy to use even my 2 year old was showing an unhealthy interest.For us this was a replacement for a 6 year old Gaggia Titanium Plus which had been around the block a few times. The bean hopper capacity is great, but the water tank a little lacking, however it is really easy to top up. The milk carafe is a little stiff, but I'm sure that will change with time. Auto cleaning is just wonderful. So much thought has gone into the dessign that all the little niggles of other machines have been designed out of this one.The only changes I would make would be more water capacity and to chill the milk carafe.Buy this machine with confidence!

Methane Boy

Product Description

Treat your taste buds, with over 60 years of Italian espresso tradition

Gaggia is a company deeply rooted in Italian espresso heritage, yet its coffee machines have evolved over the decades, from the original pressure-generating, lever-activated piston, to the latest fully-automated, bean-to-cup technology which, at the touch of a button, grinds, brews and dispenses a delicious cup of espresso. However you prefer to brew your coffee--whether you want the simplicity of bean-to-cup or crave domestic barista status--there is a Gaggia for you.


In 1938, Achille Gaggia filed patent no. 365726, an ingenious invention which saw steam pressure applied to ground coffee, so that the water forced through the coffee extracted all its flavours and aromas to create a rich foam crema layer. However, the real revolution came 10 years later when Achille Gaggia filed a new patent, for a lever-operated piston machine incorporating a spring. This spring provided additional pressure, and this pressure forced water through the coffee in a shorter time, producing a short black espresso in just 15 seconds.

In the 1950s, Gaggia found fame in the trendy coffee bars of Rome and Milan, and most notably in London’s prominent Sirocci in Soho. These coffee bars soon became icons of the '50s lifestyle. With the launch of Baby Gaggia in 1977, the company began producing domestic espresso machines, making the professional values inherent in Gaggia’s commercial machines widely available for use in the home.

Twin Boiler
Twin boiler reduces the waiting time between coffee brewing and steam output to just a few seconds
Rapid steam

Gaggia Accademia is fitted with a twin boiler which reduces the waiting time between coffee production and steam delivery to just a few seconds. This ensures that your coffee and milk are served at a consistent temperature to get the best tasting drink. This coffee machine is ideal for preparing espresso coffee using either coffee beans or ground coffee, and is equipped with a device for dispensing steam and hot water. The elegantly styled machine is designed to create a professionally-made cup of coffee to enjoy in the comfort of your home.

The twin boiler reduces the normal waiting time between coffee brewing and steam output to just a few seconds. Twin boilers means that you are able to brew coffee and add milk to make a cappuccino or latte without an additional wait, so you can froth milk to make cappuccinos, lattes, and macchiato coffee at the simple turn of the steam knob.

Removable brewing unit
Removable brewing unit for easy cleaning and maintenance
Removable brewing unit

Cleaning your coffee machine removes hard water mineral deposits, old oils from previously brewed coffee and other impurities that can make your coffee taste bad. The Gaggia Accademia automatic coffee machine comes with a removable brewing unit for easy cleaning and maintenance. Maintenance and cleaning should only be carried out when the machine is cold and disconnected from the power supply. For better durability and long-lasting results, clean the brewing unit of the machine with water. The brewing unit needs to be removed for cleaning, then rinsed thoroughly with hot water. Use a soft cloth moistened with water to clean the outside of the machine. Scale forms while the machine is in use; it is necessary to remove scale every 3-4 months of use or whenever you observe a decreased flow of water.

Ceramic Grinder
Ceramic grinder retains the purity of your coffee
Ceramic grinder

The durable ceramic grinder retains the purity of the coffee and can be adjusted to grind as coarse or as fine as you prefer. The quality and flavour of your coffee will depend not only on the blend you use but also on how finely you grind it. The ceramic burr grinder in this machine results in a consistent, static-free grind--and it works quietly. Insert beans into the sealable bean hopper, which holds 8.8oz of beans. This clear plastic hopper allows you to monitor the bean levels easily, and the machine will alert you with an 'add coffee beans' message when the hopper runs low. Each time you brew, the Gaggia Accademia grinds beans for that shot, ensuring the freshest taste. The grind setting can be adjusted between coarse, medium and fine using the included grinder adjustment tool.

Every machine is factory-regulated to a medium-sized grind; turn the knob to higher numbers to obtain a coarser grind, turn the knob to lower numbers to obtain a finer grind. The finer you grind the coffee, the more flavour can be extracted from the same volume. But it's the type of coffee-making equipment you own that will determine what grind you can get away with. The ceramic grinder in the Gaggia Accademia automatic coffee machine was chosen after careful consideration and research. Ceramic material is safe and durable to use. It is inert and thus ensures the best results without changing the consistency or flavour of the coffee.

The ceramic grinder in Gaggia Accademia also provides a more consistent grind from start til end, allowing perfect dosing and blending. It gives you more control over the body and density of your coffee. And that's not all--the amount of coffee residue left in the cup is substantially reduced. Moreover, ceramic grinders are long-lasting and make minimum noise. Thanks to its powerful, robust build, the ceramic coffee grinder will quietly grind to the same consistency and high standards for a longer period of time.

Personalise your perfect cup
Customise everything to your personal tastes
Personalise your perfect cup

The 'personalise your coffee' function allows you to programme the dispensing buttons on your electronic control panel to suit your own personal coffee preferences. Every cup is freshly brewed and prepared with the ultimate balance of your choice between coffee and water--a guarantee for a smooth, full taste and delicious aroma.

You can customise everything to your personal tastes, from the number and size of coffees you make through to the amount of milk or coffee that is dispensed. The Gaggia Accademia coffee machine has a finger touch function to save user settings, a novel way to easily access your preferred coffee settings. Since you store coffee beans in the machine, brewing a morning cup made exactly to your liking is as easy as pressing a button.

Ground Coffee Compartment
Brew a different blend
Ground coffee compartment

Variety is still an option--via the ground coffee compartment you can brew a different blend without changing the beans.

Fresh coffee beans, pure water and milk

With the Gaggia Accademia coffee machine you can rest assured that everything is as fresh and delicious as if it were being prepared in the finest café. The machine allows you to adjust the amount of coffee (dose) to be ground according to your requirements. The Gaggia Accademia is an effortless and efficient, bean-to-cup espresso maker.

This coffee machine is ideal for preparing espresso coffee using either coffee beans or ground coffee, and is equipped with a device for dispensing steam and hot water. The integrated water and bean tanks are easily accessible from the top and front, and perfectly complement the machine’s ergonomic design. Special insulation and super-silent ceramic grinders preserve your peaceful kitchen atmosphere.

Select your preferred strength of coffee
Strength selector
Strength selector

Coffee has a huge variety of different flavours and undertones as well as strengths. Much of your decision will come down to personal taste. Therefore, to assist you Gaggia have devised a 'strength selector' feature in the Gaggia Accademia coffee machine which will help you in your decision-making process. The strength of a coffee is mainly determined by a two things, how long the beans are roasted for and the amount of coffee you use in a cup.

With the Gaggia Accademia you can have from mild coffee to medium to strong; just select the amount of coffee beans to be ground for your espresso and enjoy the coffee strength of your choice.

Rotating Steamer
Rotating steamer
Water Filter
Aqua Prima water filter
Rotating steamer

The Gaggia Accademia’s frothing wand rotates out, so you can froth and steam with ease. The Pannarello attachment makes frothing and steaming even easier, especially if you’re just beginning. To steam, press the steam icon. This takes you to the steam/hot water menu--press the word 'steam' in the top right corner of the screen, and open the steam knob located on the left side of the machine to the steam icon. Steam will begin dispensing. When you have your desired amount, close the steam wand and exit out of the steam menu. Remember to wipe down the steam wand with a damp cloth after using it to prevent milk residue build-up.

The Gaggia Accademia also delivers hot water for tea and other hot drinks. There's nothing like a good cup of coffee to lend a little luxury to one's daily life. The Accademia embodies this by combining advanced technology and classic form, underscored by the durability and elegance of its materials, resulting in an almost sculptural presence suited to the most demanding furnishings.

Water filter

An inclusive water filter prevents any tainting of the coffee and maintains a purer flavour, as well as keeping your machine cleaner. The Aqua Prima water filter was developed to remove impurities from the water that can alter the taste of your coffee. The Aqua Prima water filter’s purpose is to improve the taste of your coffee while protecting your machine from lime scale damage. With the Aqua Prima water filter, the number of flavour-altering substances found in the water is greatly reduced. Micro-particles and impurities are filtered, so you can enjoy the improved flavour and full aroma of your coffee. Aqua Prima also reduces the formation of lime scale in the machine so that it lasts even longer.

Active Cup Warming Plate
Active cup warming plate
Active cup warming plate

The heating element beneath the plate provides efficient warming of your cups. The cup warming tray on top of the machine is ideal for cup storage and easily accommodates four coffee cups so you can have your coffee fresh and warm.

Gaggia’s focus on innovation emphasises simplicity, ease of use and the quality of the finished beverage--and results in the Gaggia Accademia. Gaggia incorporated a stainless steel front panel into this design.

Digital Control Panel
Touch screen display
Touch screen display

With the digital control panel you are able to set up your machine, select and adapt your coffee choices and receive maintenance feedback via the LCD display. With a stylish, modern design, the Gaggia Accademia is simple to use and allows easy access to the water tank and coffee ground waste via the front of the machine.


The Gaggia Accademia is the latest bean-to-cup, super-automatic espresso machine from Gaggia that delivers excellent quality coffee drinks in style and in the comfort of your own home. This luxurious espresso machine comes with touch screen controls and an LED display. As for the water pressure, the Gaggia Accademia provides a maximum of 15 bars of pressure, more than what you’ll need to pull each shot.

Simplicity and elegant lines--that’s how Gaggia describes the design of the Accademia. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the large touch screen; below this screen is the coffee dispenser and espresso plus system beverage strength dial. To the left of this dispenser is the steam wand with Panarello frothing attachment, and to the right of the touch screen is a cup icon and arrows for raising and lowering the cup tray. The very best in automatic coffee machines, the Gaggia Accademia will make you a real barista with the ability to produce any espresso-based drink at the touch of a button. Perfect and quick results are guaranteed by two separate boilers, one for coffee and one for steam and water, while the auto cappuccino carafe ensures milky coffees are hassle-free to make.

The large black and white touch screen shows three cups for small espresso, medium coffee and large coffee, and in the top left corner there's a steam icon. Below the cups are the words 'explain icons', a clock, and a 'go to menu' button. If you press 'explain icons', the icons are replaced with words, so it will say 'small coffee', 'medium coffee', 'large coffee' and 'steam wand'. Pressing the clock allows you to change the clock settings. Pressing 'go to menu' takes you to the programming menu, where you can set features such as language, temperature, coffee dose, display, time, view the number of drinks made and perform cleaning functions.

Auto-Cappuccina System
Auto cappuccino system
Espresso Plus System
Espresso plus system
Auto cappuccino system

Thanks to the automatic milk carafe you need just a few seconds to brew frothing milk directly to your cup. The carafe is also self-cleaning, making it extremely easy to keep you machine clean.

Espresso plus system

Adjust the body and aroma of your coffee to suit your taste, while maintaining the perfect crema. The machine is characterised by a user-friendly interface. The 24-character LCD display allows the user an easy control of all the functions. Today it has become very easy to enjoy a real espresso and personalise it according to your desires. The Accademia features an LCD digital display, which provides alerts and programming options for the menu language, water hardness, acoustic alerts, water filter replacement, rinsing cycle and a whole lot more. 15-bar pump pressure ensures perfectly extracted espresso, and ceramic burr grinder with adjustable settings let you customise your grind.

With this Gaggia machine, each moment dedicated to your favorite espresso will be unique. Choose the right combination between practicality and pleasure when it comes to coffee. Set up your machine, select and adapt your coffee choices and receive maintenance feedback via the LCD display.

Five Year Gurantee
Five-year guarantee
One Touch Panel
One-touch panel
Adjustable Dispensing Head
Adjustable dispensing head
Double Boiler
Double boiler
Five-year guarantee

The removable brewing unit is covered by a five-year guarantee to ensure you have full peace of mind when purchasing this machine.

One-touch panel

Just press one of the seven pre-set beverages to brew them in a few seconds, making it very easy to produce your favourite coffee.

Adjustable dispensing head

The front dispensing head is adjustable in height to accommodate different cup sizes and ensure there’s no splashing or mess when the drink is poured.

Double boiler

The machine is fitted with two boilers, one for coffee and one for steam and hot water to make sure the time between coffee and milk being dispensed is just a few seconds.

Important to know…

1. The taste of your coffee depends on the characteristics of the beans from which it is made, the type of bean, and where it was grown and processed. Coffee beans that are roasted for a longer period of time and at higher temperatures will be much darker in colour. Darker beans will produce a richer cup of coffee than lightly-roasted beans.

2. A variety of dark roasts are available from which you can choose to brew your espresso. Each of these roasts is a blend of coffee beans that are roasted at a specific temperature producing a specific type of flavour. Decaffeinated beans have had up to 98% of their caffeine content removed. The next time you purchase coffee for your espresso maker, experiment with one of the many kinds of coffee being sold. You may just find that it tastes better than the blend you have been using.

3. A fine 'espresso grind' for pump-driven machines must be used. Be sure to ask for this when buying coffee or when having beans ground. Do not use a blade-type grinder because it makes too much coffee dust and produces an irregular grind.

4. The mark of real espresso is its dark colour, rich taste and the light brown, natural froth called 'crema' in Italian.

5. Cappuccino is simply a combination of espresso and hot, frothy milk. Cappuccino is usually topped with cinnamon, nutmeg or cocoa powder.

6. Espresso coffee should be served immediately after it is made.

7. Espresso should be served in 2 to 2 ½ oz. demitasse cups. A 4 or 6 oz. cup or glass should be used for cappuccino.

8. Ideally, coffee beans should be ground immediately before using. Remember, it must be an 'espresso grind' for pump-driven espresso machines.

9. It’s best to store ground coffee or beans in an airtight container in the freezer of your refrigerator as ground coffee tends to absorb food odours.

Box Contains

  • 1 x Gaggia Accademia RI9702/04 bean to cup espresso and cappuccino coffee machine
  • 1 x User manual
  • 5-year warranty
  • Brand Gaggia
    Model NumberRI9702/04
    Item Weight17 Kg
    Product Dimensions38.5 x 28.2 x 42.8 cm
    Capacity1.6 litres
    Volume Capacity1.6 litres
    Power / Wattage1500 watts
    Voltage230 volts
    MaterialStainless Steel
    Special FeaturesCup Warmer, Integrated Coffee Grinder, Milk Frother, Programmable, Removable Tank