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Melitta Barista TS Smart SST

  • 720,00 £ / Cheapest Price on Internet

Brand: Melitta
Review 46 user comments
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(Melitta Barista TS Smart SST)
  • 27 Apr 2020, Mon
A lot of money and no better than models half the price
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I have thought since I bought this that is was very average. It doesn't make very nice tasting coffee, and the crema is non existent, even when using the correct beans.It is a pain to clean, requiring the use of very flexible fingers and a toothbrush to get to areas of the machine where coffee grounds (and resulting slime and mould build up even when done every week, and these do not get removed by the machines cleaning processes!) The drip tray overfills before the machine warns you to empty it, even though I keep a jug under the spout when starting and rinsing. The drip tray has corners and crevices which require a lot of fiddly sponge action to clean as well.Now less than a year in it has developed a fault. Amazon can't help me so I have to contact the manufacturer, which I will do today...more after I do that to advise how the customer service and guarantee hold up!

terrence m arnold
  • 29 Mar 2020, Sun
Very happy with the purchase
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

The machine is easy to use and maintain on a daily basis, and produces good coffee. I've been using it for 4 months now and I'm still very happy with the purchase.The only negative comment I have is that the phone app (which basically offers the same functions as the machine itself, but in a more user-friendly way) has difficulties connecting over Bluetooth - it takes a couple of tries before it starts working.

Peter Szymanski

  • 27 Mar 2020, Fri
Flawless coffee but some annoying design features.
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Ok, let's get the bad stuff out of the way first.1) It's massive. Even in our generously sized kitchen it looms out of the counter, it is not an inconspicuous item.2) It's hard to keep looking clean. The gloss black plastic and chrome elements are a magnet for fingerprints and oils.3) The consumables and waste bins and frustratingly small for such a large machine. Only 1.8 litres of water (a considerable amount of which is used to the regular rinse/clean cycles) means you're going to be filling it up on a daily basis. The bean hopper and the grounds waste are also smaller than you'll find on many similar or smaller machines.4) The drip tray is the most annoying design I've ever come across, it's shallow with an internal divider that acts like a dam and suddenly over-spills when you're pouring it out, it is almost impossible to empty it without sloshing it and spilling brown watery dregs somewhere.5) If you're not going to use two different types of beans, the dual hopper with 'auto-bean-select' is the most annoying thing in the world as it means one side of the hopper empties and has to be refilled much sooner than the other, I wish it were possible to just remove the separator and have one big hopper. You can sort of work around this by making your most popular coffee choices pull beans from different sides, however you'll always run out on one side before the other and be shouting "JUST USE THE BEANS FROM THE OTHER SIDE!!" at the machine as it tells you to 'Fill Hopper 1' again.6) It's quite slow! It seems to spend a lot of time 'warming up' and making myriad internal noises before it actually extracts the coffee. Much slower than the old Delonghi we had.7) The menu system is extensive but cumbersome, taking a long time to navigate and the text is tiny considering the generous size of the screen.8) The Bluetooth ‘Smart’ app feature is a gimmick at best and you won’t use it more than a handful of times (once you realise you can pair any of your favourite recipes to the ‘one touch’ buttons on the machine).

  • 09 Mar 2020, Mon
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Brilliant machine. Have bought a number of them over the years. Perfect if you want to blend beans.

  • 25 Feb 2020, Tue
Takes more time to produce a drink
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk


Peter Hart
  • 08 Feb 2020, Sat
My own barista at home!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I love my coffee machine, specially on weekends and early in the morning it’s like having a barista at home.

J. B. Garcia Vega
  • 05 Feb 2020, Wed
great coffee but machine userbility could be better
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Coffee is superb, however some of the parts cleaning can be a bit fiddly, although the auto clean function after making the drinks is good. The app is easy to use, shame it keeps disconnecting from Bluetooth when you leave the house. It doesn’t auto connect again. The app is easier than than buttons on the machines if you want anything other than the standard sized beverages. Using the one machine buttons to program a recipe is a faff. App much easier.

  • 01 Feb 2020, Sat
Very cool caffeine
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

One button operation , will make any coffee you want, you can customise how much milk and coffee to put into your drink.

Shonagh Y
  • 30 Jan 2020, Thu
now part of life
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I chose this as it has 2 bins. we use 1 for decaf. Incredibly versatile and if you have a spare week or so I recon you could learn to use all the features. Actually we manually choose strength, size of cup and which bin and its made. We could commit this to memory but its so easy we have got used to it. its quite large but if it was smaller I suppose I would moan about always filling it up. We are delighted with it and have now become used to being coffee geeks.

  • 22 Jan 2020, Wed
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk


  • 09 Jan 2020, Thu
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Little on the expensive side but Is nice meat and makes a great coffee.Would prefer to be hotter though

Gerad T.
  • 07 Jan 2020, Tue
Cold latte from a £680 coffee machine
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Well lets start with what its bad at. The thing its suppose to be good at. Latte's are luke warm at best. I had one warm coffee the rest just luke warm. Set temp to high in the app. Warmed my cups, i even did a hot water first to get things going and still luke warm. Maybe i got a faulty one. The 8 year old delonghi it replaced has replaced this.The app worked ok for me. Had reconnect once though already. You have to wait for the machine to fully boot up before opening the app. This feature is great and you can make your coffee any way you like it except hot. ( i may have had a faulty one)Cleaning is nice and easy but the drip tray fills up quick because of the internal cleaning it does. Cleaning is good so this you should expect.Having two bean compartments is great idea. One of the reasons i bought it. Its easy to select between the two.Coffee it made was not mind blowing compared to my old machine but was still good and maybe if i had it longer i would of messed around with the setting more. Which can make a difference.Milk froth was not the greatest, i expected more from this machine and price range, again maybe a fault with the heat.Overall if the machine worked at making latte then it would of been great. It is large but i have the space. It is alot quieter than my old machine, and the milk system works alot better, the way it connects. Sad to send it back.Update!Since going back to my old machine this machine makes better coffee from less beans. Kinda old trainer new trainer thing.

  • 01 Jan 2020, Wed
Best machine I’ve ever had, by a long way!!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Couldn’t get easier than this!!A month in and I am astounded at the difference between our last machine and this one using the same beans - the coffee this machine makes is spectacularly good and the options and types of coffees to choose from are endless (particularly through the app) though the basic options are what we use the most. One of the most convenient things about the machine is that we could configure a specific drink (I enjoy flat whites) in terms of mug size and temperature (amongst an array of other options) and store it as a custom / default so no fiddling with top ups to get the mug full - just perfect!!!The machine uses quite a lot of water for the self cleaning routines but I don’t mind because I prefer the machine to self clean & sterilise (does so with hot steam) to the extent that it does.One of the best buys I’ve ever made from amazon. Couldn’t be more chuffed.


  • 30 Dec 2019, Mon
Wide variety of coffee in one machine
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

This being my first coffee machine, i do not have anything to compare it against. Lets start with the downsides - it is as everyone says in reviews - the app is rubish and most of the time wont connect, however it does not bother me as i am not using it at all and it is not a necessity to use it. I also would have loved water tank to be connectable straight to water mains, as sometimes when both me and my wife drinks coffee - it feels like i am running out of water rapidly. Found it also easier to use glass as milk container rather then the provided one due to cleaning process. On the bright sides - instruction book provides all the information you might require. Grinding and coffee making is fast, machine produces nice froth and in general makes all the "speciality" coffees i like, as i do not drink regular black coffee, there is also a wide selection of recepies. Overall as a coffe machine - highly recomended.

Raivis Straubergs
  • 28 Dec 2019, Sat
Excellent Coffee Machine!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

An easy state of the art machine but you need to play a little to find out the settings that match your preferred coffee tone

Kendea Vasilis
  • 21 Dec 2019, Sat
Not so smart!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

This is an amazing machine! So why 1 star? Well, smart coffee machine which is actually not smart at all! The iPhone app doesn’t work (looks like it’s been an on/off issue since launch!) and the support is very slow.Germany are looking at it is a phrase you will hear a lot.Such a shame as this spoils what would be an amazing SMART machine.

  • 07 Dec 2019, Sat
Good buy
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

After reading review after review and videos and everything I stalked this machine and pounced on a lightning deal on black friday. This machine was worth every penny of its ridiculous price tag. I have not experienced any of the bluetooth issues described by other buyers so hopefully there has been a firmware upgrade or the like. The customisable coffee is just insanely good. Yes you need the phone feature to really get the best out of it but this works for me so I have to review it on that basis and as someone who loves a large milky coffee this is perfect. You can put 2-3 shots in with as much milk as you like, i go for a mix of 380ml frothy as f milk/ 75ml coffee and with my starbucks coffee beans I genuinely think i have replicated my perfect cup. Yes the tray fills up pretty quickly so expect to get that error regularly and it uses way way more water than I ever would have expected but this is because it is constantly offering cleaning after each use which purges the machine heads with hot steamy water, which is just another great feature. From an aesthetic point of view this machine is beyond 5 stars!! It looks amazing. I am very happy with my purchase so if your undecided I would go for it if money is not an issue!

Amazon Customer
  • 04 Dec 2019, Wed
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Fantastic coffee machine. Easy to set up and easy to use.

Gary S.
  • 01 Dec 2019, Sun
Hard work and unreliable
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I really don't like giving poor reviews but this machine is expensive and meant to be a luxury item.I loved it in the beginning, I bought mine in November 2019. Now it simply takes up counter space.First it was the amount of cleaning, it gets jammed up with green mouldy ground beans, particularly in the summer months.Despite regularly cleaning the tray in the dishwasher and the cleaning functions for the internal mechanics. I would say at least one hour a week.Then, it was getting the grinder back into place and locked after cleaning. It simply wouldn't go back into position properly. Now I never know if it's going to go straight in without a problem or torment me for days.The latest is the grinding of beans, it keeps stopping saying there's no beans. First I would move the beans about and it would work, now not at all.Coffee is delicious though.????

Evie Bradbury
  • 28 Nov 2019, Thu
Loved it while it worked.
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

First of all I should be upfront and say I didn’t buy my machine from Amazon but I didn’t know where else to go to write a review.I decided to treat myself to this expensive machine as a retirement present because I love coffee and at first I was delighted with it. It does seem quite complicated at first but it didn’t take long to get used to it. I have found that the coffee isn’t particularly hot so, if you put cold milk in your drink, it can seem a bit on the tepid side. That said, I use the milk frother so it’s been fine. I saw a suggestion that you run a cup of hot water first and that did seem to help.But as much as I’ve enjoyed having this machine I’ve given it a low score because mine lasted just over a year before developing a major fault. I kept getting an error message saying the bean hopper was empty, despite it being full. I went through the suggestions in the manual but to no avail. It just wouldn’t work. I contacted Melitta UK and they were very helpful. There was a bit of paperwork involved but, as the machine was under warranty, they quickly despatched a courier to collect the machine. They then repaired it and sent it back to me very quickly. Now, just over a year later, the machine has developed what appears to be the same fault and has stopped working. This time it’s not under warranty so Melitta have given me the name of a recommended repairer. Goodness knows how much it will cost me to send it to them but they charge £15 an hour for their work (not too bad in the scheme of things), the cost of any parts needed and £15 to send it back. This is starting to seem expensive. I paid £900 for the machine and I find it unacceptable that it should develop the same major fault twice in the 30 months I’ve owned it. Maybe I’ve just been unlucky and bought a dud but it’s turned out to be a very expensive dud.

Amazon Customer
Colour:Stainless Steel

Product Description

This fully automated one Touch coffee machine allows you to be in full control of your favourite drink – whether it’s a pre set coffee speciality or choosing from one of 14 pre-programmed coffee recipes. Just touch and go! With its intelligent technology, double cup mode (for two cup brewing) and LCD text display for clear instructions – NEW well thought out and easy to use features include: • Melitta Connect App – ‘My Coffee & Smart Service’ – coffee at the press of button whilst the My Coffee Memory remembers your coffee preferences for up to four different people. • Quiet as a Whisper Grinder (Quiet Mark) – especially for quiet grinding with five different grind settings. • Once A Year Descaling Function – with a simple touch of the finger or push of a button, the super convenient automatic ‘once a year’ cleaning, descaling and flushing programme is simple to use. The Bean Select function perfectly prepares different coffee specialities (and the appropriate beans) thanks to the two-chamber bean container ensuring the right bean for the right coffee whilst the Plug in Milk System has a removable milk container which fits every fridge.

Box Contains

Barista TS SMART stainless, F86/0-100

From the manufacturer

Bean-to-Cup Brilliance: 21 Different Coffee Specialties

Caffeo Barista TS Smart Offers the Ultimate Creative Coffee Experience

With 21 different pre-set coffee specialties, My Coffee memory capabilities, double-cup pour, Bluetooth connectivity and many other features, this fully-automatic, stainless steel machine offers an unsurpassed creative outlet for the coffee enthusiast. A Whisper Grinder ensures a discreet manner of high productivity, while clean visual aesthetics complement kitchens in either home or office. This German-designed Melitta coffee maker also features a removable brewing unit that is dishwasher safe and a welcome-pack cleaning kit to encourage use of automatic cleaning and descaling features. Examples of the 21 pre-set options prepared by the machine include espresso, cappuccino and latte macchiato, flat white, americano, and espresso doppio. The milk container is removable and easily fits any refrigerator.

Options for Bean-to-Cup, Pre-Ground, Water for Tea and Smart Phone Operation

The Caffeo Barista TS Smart is compatible with the Melitta Connect app, so you can remotely steer the preparation of coffee and manage other features of this all-in-one Melitta coffee maker. An airtight double-bean chamber offers steady rotation of coffee flavour. The TS Smart additionally offers separate hot-water access for tea service and a pre-ground coffee chute.

Melitta: Pioneers of Coffee Industry Since 1908

Melitta has led the coffee industry since 1908, when founder Melitta Bentz made the world's first paper filter bags. Now 20 billion filter bags are used world-wide on a yearly basis, and this conscientious German organisation continues to lead the way in coffee-related innovation, designing and retailing coffee products of the utmost quality.

At a glance:
21 pre-set coffee specialities with additional customisation possible with the Melitta Connect App Makes Espresso, Café Crème, Cappuccino, Latte macchiato, Hot water preparation possible for tea Patented technology including Best Aroma System Plus, Intense Aroma and Whisper Grinder features Automatic Bean Select: 2 airtight grain compartments for customised coffee selection Touch display for choice of hot water, milk, foam and coffee and amount of coffee (25 ml - 220 ml) Convenient pouring with double-cup mode and height-adjustable spout Automatic cleaning and descaling Compact design, Made in Germany

Melitta Connect

With the Melitta Connect App many of the features on your fully automatic coffee machine can be managed with your smart phone. For example, appliance settings can be managed conveniently and personal My Coffee Profiles can be programmed and saved. Practical tutorials assist you with cleaning and maintaining the appliance. A special highlight with this app is that you can create your very own coffee specialities.

21 coffee specialties

Thanks to the product buttons you can make the 4 classics espresso, café crème, cappuccino and latte macchiato at the touch of a button. The recipe book feature allows you to create 17 further coffee specialities such as flat white, ristretto, americano or espresso doppio.

My Coffee Memory

You don‘t want to set your personal coffee preferences each time you make a coffee? No problem! With the “My Coffee Memory“ feature you can programme your favourite coffee specialities completely individually. The Melitta Barista TS Smart saves the preference settings for up to 8 people.

Quiet as a whisper grinder

You want to enjoy making your coffee in peace? This is no problem with the quiet as a whisper grinder, it is not only quiet but also especially quick.

SOLO Purista SOLO & Perfect Milk Melitta CI Barista TS Barista TS Smart Melitta Companion App ✓ ✓ - - - ✓ Double-Cup Mode ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Number of Pre-Programmed Recipes 2 Specialties 2 Specialties 2 Classic Specialties + 4 Classic Specialties + 21 Specialties 21 Coffee Specialties Height Adjustable Coffee Outlet ✓ ✓ ✓ - - ✓ Adjustable Coffee Intensity 3 Settings 3 Settings 3 Settings 4 Settings 5 Settings 5 Settings
Filter Cartridge Liquid Descaler Insulated Coffee Mug 2 Lungo Coffee Glasses Milk System Cleaner Care Set Description Filter cartridge for preserving the taste of the coffee and your machine, Ideal for freshly filtered water at each preparation, Easy insertion: screw the filter into the bottom of the water tank, Without altering the taste of the coffee Liquid cleaner thoroughly removes all limescale deposits, Regular cleaning helps keep your coffee machine fresh and energy efficient, Optimise your coffee pleasure and ensure your coffee machine has a long and happy life 100% airtight insulated mug 350 ml, Silicone anti-slip handle, Preserves warm temperature for 2 hours, Dishwasher safe 2 glasses for Lungo coffee made of borosilicate glass (Height 11 cm), Double insulating wall and anti-burn, Capacity 200 ml, Microwave safe, Dishwasher safe Perfect Clean formula for thorough maintenance of your Melitta milk system, Odourless, Eliminates foam and milk deposits, Natural formula ensures good coffee taste Everything you need to keep your machine running smoothly and looking good, Regular cleaning helps keep your coffee machine fresh and energy efficient, Optimise your coffee pleasure and ensure your coffee machine has a long and happy life
Brand Melitta
Model Number F86/0-100
Colour Stainless Steel
Item Weight 10.8 Kg
Product Dimensions 46.7 x 25.9 x 37.2 cm
Capacity 1.8 litres
Volume Capacity 1.8 litres
Power / Wattage 1450 watts
Material stainless steel