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Ecovacs Deebot Mini

  • 89,53 £ / Cheapest Price on Internet

Brand: Ecovacs
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(Ecovacs Deebot Mini)
  • 28 Apr 2020, Tue
Excellent product
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Excellent product, cleans good, comes back to recharge

Vanda zaprudska
  • 07 Jan 2020, Tue
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Had this a few days now and this is a great little cleaner. It's not heavy duty cleaning but allows you to keep on top. Easily picks up dust, cat hairs, crumbs & crumb size debris. I've programmed it to come on mid-day each day and does the job!Well impressed.

Steve, Birmingham

  • 02 Jan 2020, Thu
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

 This product is hopeless as a robot cleaner, it seems to have sensors that work 50% of the time the rest of the time it crashes into everything. It will push chairs around the kitchen crashing into them, it’s totally hopeless on carpet but does pickup on hard floor with some success as long as the bits it’s picking up are dust and not things like a blade of grass as it will struggle with that. Ours came from amazon as a gift and I am so disappointed with it. It struggles at times to get on its charging base too. You have to ensure your floors are absolutely clear of obstacles as it will just get stuck on just about anything it can. However credit where it’s due it did fill its little bin with dust on the hard floor but it takes a long time and has no pattern to its cleaning method it’s just totally random so tends to go over one area for ages and then miss parts. This morning it decided to just keep smashing into our bookcase until it gave up and went round and round it circles indefinitely. Don’t waste your money on this! Spend the extra and get one of the better ones that maps your house out. On the plus side due to having such little suction it has enough batter to crash into things and spin in circles for 30/40 mins. But of course that does not matter as it will get stuck 6 times in this time and you will get so fed up that you just get the vacuum out and put this thing away. Avoid

  • 05 Nov 2019, Tue
Brilliant Budget Robot! Does the job!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I borrowed this from a friend so I could try it before I committed to spending money! It’s really great for the price! This deserves a 5 star review because it’s a budget robot and it works. It may not be as powerful as other robots however this is a buffet robot so not fair to expect the best for a budget price. It picked up so much I was truly gobsmacked! All the little bits that accumulate are gone! I will be buying one for myself as it is brilliant!

R. Owen
  • 21 Apr 2019, Sun
Clean decently but goes often in error mode.
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I’m honestly not very happy with this robot vacuum cleaner. It clean decently, but goes in error very often. I’ve asked a replacement 2 times but still same issue, just get stuck and I have to restart it, is very annoying and the Ecovacs customer service didn’t help at all. Better to spend your money for another model or brand.UPDATE: I have discovered that what send in error mode the hoover is the base station, unplugging the base station from the power socket resolve the issue, and the robot doesn’t go in error mode anymore. This is clearly an engineered issue.

  • 21 Apr 2019, Sun
Clean decently but goes often in error mode.
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I’m honestly not very happy with this robot vacuum cleaner. It clean decently, but goes in error very often. I’ve asked a replacement 2 times but still same issue, just get stuck and I have to restart it, is very annoying and the Ecovacs customer service didn’t help at all. Better to spend your money for another model or brand.

UPDATE: I have discovered that what send in error mode the hoover is the base station, unplugging the base station from the power socket resolve the issue, and the robot doesn’t go in error mode anymore. This is clearly an engineered issue.

  • 10 Dec 2018, Mon
It's a good product
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

The control could be better if it allows to move forward and turn at the same time

  • 03 Apr 2018, Tue
Three Stars
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

More of a toy and a helping hand than a heavy-duty cleaning machine.

Yining Sun
  • 29 Jan 2018, Mon
Don’t waste your money on this it definitely doesn’t have a ...
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Don’t waste your money on this it definitely doesn’t have a fraction of the suction power as a hoover. It basically spreads the dust and bread crumbs everywhere rather than suction them up

Amazon Customer
  • 20 Jan 2018, Sat
Too many minor flaws to recommend
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I've used several robot vacuums, and some are good and some are not. The Deebot mini is okay for the price but nothing outstanding. It's good at cleaning on hard or wooden floors, but less so on carpet. It cleans okay, but can take some time and repeat cleanings to get all the bits ups.The Deebot mini got stuck a few times, on bits on the floor (shoes and the like) and sometimes moving off or on a carpet to hard floorIn day to day use, it's not silent but it's fairly quiet as it goes about cleaning. There is a remote that you can use to control it, but it's quicker to just press the button on it and let it go off on it's own. The return to base to charge is very hit and miss and will sometimes go back fine, yet other times totally miss out.It's okay, but just seemed more hard work than doing it yourself at times, I know it's a low price point but it's a very basic model and it's worth spending a touch more for a better robot. I also don't like the colour!Not recommended.

  • 05 Dec 2017, Tue
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

It works very well and looks perfect!

  • 24 Jun 2017, Sat
Works with Limitations- Great for Picking Up Pet Hair and Preventing Dust Bunnies but Not Larger Dirt or Bits
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I'm reviewing the Ecovacs Robotics Mini. Here are my thoughts:^^ This is very quick to get set up and started and can be used pretty much straight out of the box. Just add two of the spinning brushes you're all set to go. I have the smallest version optimised for pet hair and from the details of the product description, the 'compact design' of this one has a cleaning efficiency of 'good', whereas the 3rd and 4th versions up are bigger and have a better cleaning efficiency described as 'very good' and finally the 5th and 6th largest versions are 'excellent' cleaners. So, with this in mind, I deduced that it's not meant to pick up everything spectacularly, but it does work to keep the floor free from dust bunnies and pet hair.^^ To explain this further, my own experience is that I originally used this to clean the whole of the downstairs floor space, but noticed in my living room, which is carpeted, it was just going over larger lumps (like sweetcorn sized dry mud by the back door brought in by the dog) and not picking them up. To be honest, it looked like it wasn't picking up anything. But every time this little vacuum finishes it's dirt box is completely full of what looks like dust and hair/fur. None of this I can outwardly see on my carpets. Then, when I read the instructions after I realised that is said it is not suitable for rugs, but in my opinion, it looks like the instructions mean this is only meant for hard floors and the wording is slightly wrong. Perhaps the difference between rug and carpet is actually lost in the technical written translation?^^ So, I use this more for my kitchen which is the only hard floor space in my whole house and when she escapes (yes, she's a she!) she also has the free run of my office and the living room to happily pick up stuff I can't actually see. Like I said, each time the dirt box is emptied it's strangely full! This must be better for me, and my dust allergies, surely?^^ This is very easy to use. Just plug in the charging base, plonk her on, and press the button on

Sassy Brit
  • 12 Feb 2017, Sun
Clean Floors and Cleaner Flaws
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

You don't need one of these. You might want one, but you don't need one.The Deebot Mini is surprisingly good at what it does. Vacuum up on hard floors. You can't use it on carpeted floors. It navigates around furniture, avoids falling down steps, and rarely sucks up stuff that breaks it. I was surprised how easy it was to use, and how much extra crud it managed to suck up off the floor compared with the broom. If I leave it in a room, to sweep away until I return, the results are pretty impressive. For the price, I don't think the improvement is worth the money, but for simple, hassle free floor cleaning Deebot does its job well. (It also reveals the terrifying amounts of hair my wife sheds.)Now for what it does less well.The Deebot has real difficulty finding its charging station. It goes back and forth failing to connect, and this becomes very annoying after a few minutes of struggling. So, feeling sorry for the poor love, you have to get up and try to connect it manually. Manual connection is harder than it should be, taking several attempts to get it to charge.The Deebot clears up nicely, but if you pick it up at a slight angle, invariably some of its sweepings fall out. You can empty it without picking it up, so it's possible to work around this, but it would be much better if you could just pick the Deebot up and move it around without worry.It has a remote. The remote works fine, but it's another remote to lose. Bluetooth connection would be much better. I often lose remotes but I rarely lose my phone. There have been times when I've had to hunt around looking for the remote losing me any time I'd saved.I've flip-flopped on this Deebot. It works much better than I expected. I had thought I would find it utterly pointless, but after a few weeks, I found it indispensable. However, the novelty has worn off now and I find it easier to get out the broom and dustpan and brush. The Deebot, is probably better suited to somebody with a tidy house, and certainly for somebody without children. Whole areas of the hou


  • 01 Jan 2017, Sun
Great for busy working households with mostly hard floors and not too many obstacles
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Using this robotic vacuum at Christmas was a real hoot for me and all the family.We tried it in the dining room first and within 30 seconds it had motored under the sideboard between two boxes of crackers and couldn't turn round in the small space and beeped for assistance. What was the chance that the very first place it would go would get itself stuck?!Then we found that it got confused by all the chair and table legs round the dining table and we had to help it get free again from the maze of things to bump into.We then set the deebot free to roam around the floor by the Christmas tree and it happily motored around sucking up plenty of pine needles and really started to show what it could do.It worked very well at sucking up light small items into the plastic collection bin and the motor was powerful and moved the deebot around on our carpet without any problems.When the deebot moved on to the tiled area in the kitchen it was able to sweep up the dog hair from right along the skirting boards using the sweeping rotating brushes, much like a street sweeper does, from the outside into the centre where the best suction is. It didn't take long for the deebot to cover the whole kitchen.The deebot comes with a remote and you can control the unit using the remote. We asked the deebot to return to its base and it did it easily. The deebot also returns to base when it needs to charge itself and it can be programmed to start vacuuming at a particular time each day so it can be finished by the time you get home from work.While this is an expensive gadget, it's a functional one for busy working households, especially if you mainly have wooden or tiled floors where it really excels. It still works on carpet too, but it's not a proper replacement for a powerful vacuum with a rotating beater bar.4 stars.

Matthew's Mummy
  • 23 Dec 2016, Fri
Compact robotic vacuum
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I have previous experience of a robotic vacuum and love them - if you have pets and hard floors this is a "must have".This mini vacuum is far better than my old one - it is much smaller but hasn't lost efficiency - table and chair legs are no problem - this little dynamo gets in about them and manages to find its way back out. Also this vacuum fits under kitchen units.The square shape allows this vacuum to get in to corners.These robotic vacuums are only really suitable for hard floors - even rugs can be problematic. I have tiles in most rooms and this vacuum can cope with the lounge and kitchen with one charge.As a pet owner - I enjoy coming home to a swept floor - you can also dampen the mop attachment - but don't expect a mopped floor - it's more of a damp sponge - which suits me if used daily.My lounge is on 2 levels - my old vacuum can't cope with the step and falls over it - not this wee vacuum which is ideal.The Deebot is inconsistent in finding its charging unit - but I believe that after a few uses the vacuum does start to "learn" its way about - so hopefully this will improve.You can use the remote control or just touch the button and off it goes. I particularly like the edge function.Just a couple of pesky niggles but overall a far better vacuum than my older model.

  • 23 Dec 2016, Fri
Compact robotic vacuum
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I have previous experience of a robotic vacuum and love them - if you have pets and hard floors this is a "must have".

This mini vacuum is far better than my old one - it is much smaller but hasn't lost efficiency - table and chair legs are no problem - this little dynamo gets in about them and manages to find its way back out. Also this vacuum fits under kitchen units.

The square shape allows this vacuum to get in to corners.

These robotic vacuums are only really suitable for hard floors - even rugs can be problematic. I have tiles in most rooms and this vacuum can cope with the lounge and kitchen with one charge.

As a pet owner - I enjoy coming home to a swept floor - you can also dampen the mop attachment - but don't expect a mopped floor - it's more of a damp sponge - which suits me if used daily.

My lounge is on 2 levels - my old vacuum can't cope with the step and falls over it - not this wee vacuum which is ideal.

The Deebot is inconsistent in finding its charging unit - but I believe that after a few uses the vacuum does start to "learn" its way about - so hopefully this will improve.

You can use the remote control or just touch the button and off it goes. I particularly like the edge function.

Just a couple of pesky niggles but overall a far better vacuum than my older model.

  • 21 Dec 2016, Wed
Almost the perfect cleaning companion - HARD FLOORS ONLY (broken after two weeks)
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

UPDATE TO ORIGINAL REVIEW - After two weeks my poor DEEBOT is dead, won't charge or do anything. As it's from the VINE program it is sent "as is" by Amazon so I can't send it back for a replacement. So far the support at Ecovacs has proved to be exceedingly poor, with the European support provider telling me that they no longer supply support and a new service will be set up in the new year, so I need to contact them again in January and see if it's any better (but I won't be holding my breath). It's a shame as what my DEEBOT did he did quite well.ADDITIONAL UPDATE - After trying multiple times to get some support, including contacting the company directly, I have managed to get a single email asking me to provide additional details. After that NOTHING. If you get any problems then there is no support. I work in IT and I'm usually quite adept at getting through layers of support to get what I need, but not this time as there is no support!I must be honest and say that I love my little DEEBOT, it's not without its faults, but it's certainly great in my house.The first thing to say is that this little guy (and it feels very much male in my opinion) is only meant for hard floors, my kitchen, utility room, hall way and dining room are all covered in hard flooring and are all accessible if I leave the connecting doors open.So enter DEEBOT. The package is surprisingly heavy - must be the combination of motors and battery and inside you get a charging station (more on that later) the DEEBOT, two sets of cleaning brushes, two mop pads and a remote control. It was dead easy to setup as you only need to push a couple of thing onto it, put the battery in the remote control and then tell it to do some work. At first it looks like the most disorganised thing you have ever seen - it sets off in one direction and then slams into the wall and then repeats this for ages, eventually though it appears to build and internal map and it starts to just move around from room to room and quietly hover up the rubbish from the floor. When

Richard Kelly
  • 19 Dec 2016, Mon
R2D2 Style Vacuum Does The Cleaning
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

The Ecovacs Robotics DEEBOT Mini is a powerful,beautifully coloured Vaccum that can hoover but also mop your floor with ideal brushes and suction for picking up pet hairs.It is very simple to programme then you just press Start and it does the cleaning for you,it even returns to the docking area for recharging when the DEEBOT is getting low on power and it can automatically clean once a day once its set,you don't even have to be in the home,wow!The three stage cleaning setting of brushing,vaccuming and then mopping if required is a real selling point,ideal for hard floors and its ideal for a flat where you are pushed for space as this remarkable Robotic cleaner id very compact,far better than mops and brushes and pans!This cute but powerful Robotic cleaner/sweeper/mopper is highly recommended.

Gregory Shanley
  • 18 Dec 2016, Sun
I think I love this Deebot Mini
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Having previously bought a cheaper robot vacuum, I was delighted to give this a try. It is a compact design, which lends itself well to getting into tighter spaces. It is much cleverer than my other brand and seems to move about systematically. It comes with a remote control which makes it easy to control without having to stoop down to it. The microfibre cloth attached to the underside glides along the floor. It doesn't wash as there is nowhere to put water as there is in other models.The sweeping action is smooth and works well. I made sure there was a range of items on the ground to test its effectiveness and it performed very well with only a few passes needed. It swept right to the edges thanks to the rotating brushes at the front. It doesn't really like rugs but I only have a couple of those and the rest is wooden floors or tiles which it really likes.The dust compartment is very easy to access and empty. It holds a decent amount but I've found it best to empty regularly. You get spare brushes, a filter and a spare microfibre cloth.The docking station is a great idea and means you don't have to faff about with plugs and leads. It can sit in a designated space, unobtrusively, out of sight until a charge is needed.I have to say that I love this little machine which is making my life a little bit easier.

Pacem et amorem
  • 18 Dec 2016, Sun
Don't throw out your brush and mop
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

The Deebot DK5600 is the first robot vacuum cleaner that we have used so we really didn't know what to expect. Essentially the Deebot uses two inward sweeping slowly rotating brushes to push dust, small pieces of first, pet hairs etc. towards the central vacuum port. It comes with a spare pair of brushes and a shaped cloth attachment that, Deebot claims, can mop a floor. Tad optimistic on the latter and , to be honest, it was just as well that our expectations were generally low as overall performance was rather disappointing.It is intended for hard floors and the included printed instruction manual warns that the Deebot may not always recognise the edges of landings and you may need to place a physical barrier to allow it to recognise he danger and move away. Not really ideal for what you hope is an autonomous robot. Our tests did show that the Deebot had only partial success in recognising 'cliff edges'.It needs a short period of charging on the supplied mains powered base station and then you simpleyeither press a button on the top of the Deebot or use the remote control to activate it. Off it will go in default Auto mode whereby it sets off to hopefully navigate its way around and clean the whole floor. Or an edge cleaning mode (self explanatory) or a spot cleaning moe where t will spend a few minutes going over the same spot. You can also control the Deebot manually using the remote, set up a simple cleaning schedule and instruct it to return to its base station. When the charge runs low, it will also set off back to its base station for charging.All great in theory and the lime green Deebot certainly looks the part when you first see it. Having a relatively low height, it can go underneath suitably high furniture and is not too noisy. Beyond that however, its limitations start to show.Navigation is best described as erratic. In auto mode it had an aversion to cleaning the edges and there did not seem to be any logic to the cleaning pattern. After half an hour in a modestly sized kitchen, it had missed at

Cheshire Cat

Product Description

The Floor Cleaning Robot DEEBOT MINI with dockable mop is small and compact. It easily fits between furniture and cleans efficiently hard-to-reach areas that a regular vacuum cleaner never could. Just push the START button or use the remote control for easy scheduling and DEEBOT MINI will automatically clean once per day, even if nobody is at home. DEEBOT MINI is ideal for pet owners due to its direct suction, which allows pet hair and larger dirt to be vacuumed tangle-free directly into the dustbin. The dual side brushes sweep dirt towards the centre of the suction inlet and the mop removes persistent dirt for a thoroughly cleaned floor.

Box Contains

1 x DEEBOT MINI - robotic vacuum cleaner

Brand Ecovacs
Model Number DEEBOT MINI
Colour Mint Green
Item Weight 3 Kg
Product Dimensions 27 x 27 x 8.2 cm
Diameter 27 centimetres
Capacity 300 ml
Volume Capacity 0.3 litres
Power / Wattage 15 watts
Auto Shutoff No
Energy Efficiency Class A
Noise Level 56 dB
Runtime 90 minutes
Special Features compact