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Neato Robotics Botvac D85
Neato Robotics

  • 439,35 £ / Cheapest Price on Internet

Brand: Neato Robotics
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(Neato Robotics Botvac D85)
  • 16 May 2019, Thu
Amazon Warehouse Purchase
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I bought this to replace a previous Neato. The machine itself is fine, but the one I bought as an Amazon Warehouse deal turned out to be faulty.Saying that the support at Neato was brilliant, replying quickly to help me sort out and identify the problem and Amazon took it back for a refund without any issues.I would recommend Neato and Amazon but not this particular warehouse deal. Maybe Neato need to work closer with Amazon to ensure warehouse deals are fully working.I have now bought a brand new Neato D5 and it is working brilliantly.Well done Neato

  • 27 Sep 2017, Wed
Robots needs names too
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I bought this just under a year ago, we have a lot of laminate flooring with carpets in the stairs and the upstairs hallway. Before i purchased this vacuum i bought some new settee plastic stopper feet to raise it a little. It needs 11cm to glide underneath which means it cleans the whole room and that makes a lot of difference for me saves dragging the sofas about get underneath. Ive been nothing but impressed with this vacuum its very clever and methodical the way it works out where its been, and it never misses any. It glides about in straight lines and always goes back to its base for a charge and leaves straight lines on the carper. I also made my home a little more robot vacuum friendly as well by not having a lot of clutter and keeping things tidy. I think a lot of people think they are a bit of a joke but they seem to clean up so much better than a normal vacuum probably because they don't miss any bits and seem to have a lot of power .To empty it i always use the suction tube with the small brush atachment on my mains vacuum i find its the fastest way to clean the filter and get rid of the dust.I always watch it at the top of the stairs, it once didn't stop and i had to catch it, that was when it was new. Its never done it again but i watch it anyway. Would i buy another if i ever had too?? yes defo its the best thing i have bought in ages i am really pleased with it.

Patsy McDonald

  • 19 Sep 2017, Tue
Ok with cats
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

My main uncertainty with buying a bot was how it would cope if it encountered some cat offerings during its nightly schedule. I posted a question and got some patronising replies (Check out the Q&A history), so I feel it time to provide proper advice to anyone else who may have similar concerns.
We have stone and tile floors and find that Skutter is great at keeping the dirt in check. Mouse guts pose no problem, I even found half a shrew in the dirt box once. It did fail when it once encountered a whole vole; Skutter had stopped and signaled to clean its brush, on inspection I found the whole rodent wrapped around the brush but once removed it went on its way happily (the bot, that is). No, I wouldn't put this device into a barn full of dead rats but if you have cats then you needn't worry too much about the night time cat gifts.
Above and beyond that, we love our Skutter and it has helped us to be a bit tidier by not leaving clutter and obstacles. It's hard to believe that two cats shed so much fur every night!
The cats themselves were scared of Skutter at first but after a few months have developed a relaxed attitude though they do perk up a bit when it gets near their food bowls. Tip, a bit of the magnetic strip along the edge of their food mat prevents Skutter from shunting their bowls around the kitchen.

  • 19 Sep 2017, Tue
Ok with cats
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

My main uncertainty with buying a bot was how it would cope if it encountered some cat offerings during its nightly schedule. I posted a question and got some patronising replies (Check out the Q&A history), so I feel it time to provide proper advice to anyone else who may have similar concerns.We have stone and tile floors and find that Skutter is great at keeping the dirt in check. Mouse guts pose no problem, I even found half a shrew in the dirt box once. It did fail when it once encountered a whole vole; Skutter had stopped and signaled to clean its brush, on inspection I found the whole rodent wrapped around the brush but once removed it went on its way happily (the bot, that is). No, I wouldn't put this device into a barn full of dead rats but if you have cats then you needn't worry too much about the night time cat gifts.Above and beyond that, we love our Skutter and it has helped us to be a bit tidier by not leaving clutter and obstacles. It's hard to believe that two cats shed so much fur every night!The cats themselves were scared of Skutter at first but after a few months have developed a relaxed attitude though they do perk up a bit when it gets near their food bowls. Tip, a bit of the magnetic strip along the edge of their food mat prevents Skutter from shunting their bowls around the kitchen.

  • 29 Apr 2017, Sat
Probably the best purchase I have ever made
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Purchased on 15 Feb 2017. It is now 29 April 2017, my Neato has cleaned my Living and Dining rooms every day with no problems, and still finds fine dirt. In the 2 months it has only got trapped twice and once asked to be placed on it's charging point

Failed inside warranty and NETO have spent the last 3 months, making excuses as to why they will not replace my machine, despite sending me an email stating they would replace my machine. CUSTOMER SERVILE CRAP NO NOT PURCHASE

Amazon Customer
  • 29 Apr 2017, Sat
Probably the best purchase I have ever made
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Purchased on 15 Feb 2017. It is now 29 April 2017, my Neato has cleaned my Living and Dining rooms every day with no problems, and still finds fine dirt. In the 2 months it has only got trapped twice and once asked to be placed on it's charging pointFailed inside warranty and NETO have spent the last 3 months, making excuses as to why they will not replace my machine, despite sending me an email stating they would replace my machine. CUSTOMER SERVILE CRAP NO NOT PURCHASE

Amazon Customer
  • 14 Apr 2017, Fri
First date jitters
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Me and T'werk (as in, 'get T'werk') had an initial falling out. Following the instructions I charged T'werk for 12 hours. He did nothing the instructions said. He had a solid orange light... 'error message, see LCD' said the instructions, but the LCD didn't work.

Hmmm. I looked at the website and one of the main FAQ's was, 'if the LCD doesn't work, webchat us'. It was midnight so I thought, 'nope', not webchatting, it must be common enough to put this on your website. Instead I'm just going to discharge the battery (like a shutdown and reboot) and if it doesn't work, I'm sending T'werk back T'mill. (Factory)

T'werk's LCD instantly lit up saying 'battery low' (I had just discharged it) so was impressed and highly relieved at £350 spent. He recharged beautifully within a few hours and the LCD lit up when I pushed his buttons.

Since then, I've been in awe. I've owned 2 Roombas in the past and became a little bemused by their random path of cleaning. By 'bemused', read as 'infuriated'. Areas were left untouched as it bounced off something and left the room. Like a teenager who was asked if he'd cleaned his room yet.

T'werk sounds like a 747 when he starts up, seriously meaning business (and rather sexy!?), maps out any room he goes into and works until he's covered every part he can get to. Any crumb he comes across, he does a circular clean till every iota is gone. My carpets have the same parallel lines a garden does after a really good cut. T'werk is that thorough.

4 stars initally because I think the instructions are very basic (read as pretty rubbish). There's no info on error messaging, No info on cleaning the Neato although you get a weird little comb (to do what with?) and you don't get a spare filter (or I didn't).

This is undoubtedly the BEST robot vacuum I've come across, but whoever writes the instruction manual needs a new job. One which doesn't involve writing instructions. Or manuals.

Biddy Bobo
  • 14 Apr 2017, Fri
First date jitters
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Me and T'werk (as in, 'get T'werk') had an initial falling out. Following the instructions I charged T'werk for 12 hours. He did nothing the instructions said. He had a solid orange light... 'error message, see LCD' said the instructions, but the LCD didn't work.Hmmm. I looked at the website and one of the main FAQ's was, 'if the LCD doesn't work, webchat us'. It was midnight so I thought, 'nope', not webchatting, it must be common enough to put this on your website. Instead I'm just going to discharge the battery (like a shutdown and reboot) and if it doesn't work, I'm sending T'werk back T'mill. (Factory)T'werk's LCD instantly lit up saying 'battery low' (I had just discharged it) so was impressed and highly relieved at £350 spent. He recharged beautifully within a few hours and the LCD lit up when I pushed his buttons.Since then, I've been in awe. I've owned 2 Roombas in the past and became a little bemused by their random path of cleaning. By 'bemused', read as 'infuriated'. Areas were left untouched as it bounced off something and left the room. Like a teenager who was asked if he'd cleaned his room yet.T'werk sounds like a 747 when he starts up, seriously meaning business (and rather sexy!?), maps out any room he goes into and works until he's covered every part he can get to. Any crumb he comes across, he does a circular clean till every iota is gone. My carpets have the same parallel lines a garden does after a really good cut. T'werk is that thorough.4 stars initally because I think the instructions are very basic (read as pretty rubbish). There's no info on error messaging, No info on cleaning the Neato although you get a weird little comb (to do what with?) and you don't get a spare filter (or I didn't).This is undoubtedly the BEST robot vacuum I've come across, but whoever writes the instruction manual needs a new job. One which doesn't involve writing instructions. Or manuals.

Biddy Bobo
  • 18 Dec 2016, Sun
Amazing piece of kit.
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I've had Nigel for a couple weeks now and he has been just amazing. Usually when you buy something like this the "What you think it will do" & "What it will do" are two separate things. It in this case. Nigel has exceeded my expectations.As per many previous correspondents I gave my house a thorough vacuum before it arrived and was pleased with the cleanliness of my house. I turned Nigel on and let him go and he picked up loads! Actually so much that I felt I had to explain to him that my house was actually not always this dirty.I have him programmed to clean at 4pm every second day. He takes about an hour to clean the house. There is a tendency to watch him closely in the beginning but you soon get over that and just trust him.It is important to do a quick clean up of the floors to ensure no cables or animal toys are lying around as he tends to eat these with relish and the sit there beeping at you till you clean his roller. This is not a hardship at all however.If you are considering buying your own little Nigel, don't hesitate. It is awesome!

Ian Tilly
  • 07 Dec 2016, Wed
Good cleaner, awful software.
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Let me make this clear, the Neato D85 cleans very well - when it's working. We bought ours in August 2015 and we were extremely pleased with the amount of dog hair it picked up. A full dirt bin after every session. But after a while, the problems started. Neato would keep asking for you to replace the dirt bin even when it was already in. It would ask to be put on the ground when it already was. Sometimes it would just sit and bleat for no reason. The Neato has a really annoying bleeping sound that it repeats over and over when it wants attention. I understood that sensors etc could get crudded up over time, so once a month I would give Neato a super deep clean of all its bits, then we would be ok for a few days. Last week it got stuck in a loop of asking for the dirt bin to be replaced. Nothing would shut it up. After doing some research it appeared that a new battery might be in order. So I ordered and installed the new battery but unfortunately Neato has lost its mind. Now it continually says 'Thank you for emptying my dirt bin and putting me on the floor' over and over and over. I think the time has come to finally pull the plug and buy a different brand. I think Neato cleans really well but is let down by poor software, over sensitive sensors, flaky on off switches and obviously poor magnetic dirt bin switch. Shame we only got 16 months out of it.

  • 18 Oct 2016, Tue
This device is fun, clever and very effective.
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

The BotVac is a miraculous device. Only a month or so in and the detritus from having a dog is dealt for us while we are working, leaving the downstairs of the house freshly vacuumed. On receipt of the device and setting about getting it up and running (stupidly easy by the way) the first thought is to watch just how ingenious it is as it explores and cleans. Now I have forgotten about it, Pablo (christened by the kids) lives under the stairs and goes about its business without our input - other than the emptying of the dust container - which gets very full, very fast.The device has got stuck a couple of times - we found it looking very morose in a corner once, but as a rule, it has behaved totally reliably.It has without doubt, enhanced our lives - the dog hair problem is gone and the floors are super clean all the time.This device is fun, clever and very effective.

John Wigan
  • 31 Aug 2016, Wed
Amazing product!
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

Amazing product! Yes it has a small hoover compartment that needs emptied regularly, and yes you have to clean the brush regularly to get rid of hair and whatnot (especially if you have pets) but for keeping your floors looking clean and free from dust and debris, you can't go wring with a bot vac!I did a fair amount of research into different manufacturers and models before I bought this one, and I can say in all honesty that I'm really happy I got the Neato. It's efficient, it learns the spaces in your home, and it's relatively quiet compared to pretty much anything else.Just keep it away from shoe laces, deep carpets and rug tassels as these will get chewed up and you'll come home one day to find your little Neato stuck in some corner of a room, beeping away sadly, awaiting your rescue.The standout feature for me is that it finds its way back to its wall charger automatically, so once you've set your schedule, you can simply leave it to work its magic, and all you have to do is empty it.

L. D. Nisbet
  • 19 May 2016, Thu
Best thing I have done in a long time
Reviewed on Amazon.co.uk

I have now had my Neato (Dilys) for a month. I bought her because I have a chronic back condition, and I had been told that I really shouldn't be vacuuming the house. As most women will know, this can be very difficult - I had a number of options - get a cleaner in once a week; make my husband do more in the house (nagging); carry on the way I was and be in constant pain; or buy a robotic cleaner. I decided on the latter as in my view, in the long term, it would be the cheapest and most sensible option!We have 3 dogs (2 collies and 1 Bedlington whippet); the downstairs of our home is open plan, with a tiled floor - the kitchen area is elevated up one step. Because of the dog hair I chose a machine with a large dirt bin (0.7ltr) which I felt would be adequate for the downstairs and our daily needs.Since Dilys's arrival the downstairs floor has been cleaned (programmed) every day at 7am. The floor looks clean and tidy each day and I am far more relaxed about my home - you don't realise how much you stress about things until that stress is taken away! The dirt box is always full and I clean that out each day.You must however remember that the vacuum cleaner is only a robot - it will get caught up in chair legs, if they are left askew. If a large object is left in her way she will stop until it is cleared. Shoe laces are a problem if they wrap themselves around her brush and she does have to have a little bit of a clean herself to ensure that her sensors work correctly.I will also have to run the normal hoover over the floor periodically, as of course she doesn't do skirting boards or other nooks and crannies; stairs etc, but that is a small price to pay in the scheme of things.All in all, this is the best purchase I have made in a long time!

CM Tansley
Colour:Black  |  Size:0.7 Litre, 43 W

Product Description

Botvac D85 gives your entire home an effortless and powerful clean. Neato's advanced navigating technology lets the robot vacuum cover up to 3000 square feet per cleaning cycle, recharging automatically until the entire floor is cleaned with care. The Botvac D85 is an accessory for the whole family, large or small, dog moms or cat dads, alike. Neato vacuum robots work on all floor types, including low carpets, hardwood and tile - picking up dirt, crumbs, fur and allergens with ease. The Combo Brush it uses not only allows it to clean quietly but also clean deeper. Combined with the easily removable High-Performance Filter, this pet-friendly vacuum cleaner traps unseen particles and fine dust including mould, spores, cat and dog dander, dust mites, pollen and fibres from textiles and carpet. Neato's distinctive D-shape design allows the vacuum to get deep into corners and close to walls, unlike round robot vacuums. Neato Robotics: From Silicon Valley, the most intelligent robot vacuum with cutting-edge technology. When it comes to automated cleaning, trust engineers from the most innovative place in the world.

Box Contains

Neato Botvac D85 Includes: Robot Vacuum - INSTALLED: High Performance Filter, Combo Brush and Side Brush, Integrated Charge Base, Power Cord – Also in the box: Spiral Blade Brush, 2 x High Performance Filters, Cleaning Tool and Boundary Markers

Brand Neato Robotics
Model Number 945-0174
Colour Black
Item Weight 4.1 Kg
Product Dimensions 32.1 x 33.5 x 10 cm
Capacity 0.7 litres
Volume Capacity 0.7 litres
Power / Wattage 43 watts
Voltage 220 volts
Material 18/10 Steel
Auto Shutoff No
Noise Level 70 dB
Special Features bagless;cordless, bagless, cordless